So, pretty much all of us are aware of the earthquake that hit Japan. And the tsunami that hit Japan. And the nuclear crisis currently hitting Japan. Well, as it turns out, Japanese really like music too. So, let's help them out. There are numerous ways to do this. Ayumi Hamasaki is selling t-shirts, proceeds going to aid efforts. If you live in Japan, you can donate blood, like Utada Hikaru. You can also donate money to the Japanese Red Cross. Or, if you prefer, you can donate to numerous reputable charities through PayPal, Google, or Apple.
If you guys donate a total of 10 million yen toward helping out Japan (via direct donation or purchase), the site will receive a week of free leech. Post a line saying "I've donated!", a screenshot of your receipt, a line with a link to the charity you donated to, and a line with the amount in yen, if you want your contribution counted toward this goal. Additionally, I will transfer upload credit on bitgamer, and yen on animebytes to the largest donor. I don't have much credit on those sites, but I will offer all I have. However, be warned, if your donation looks faked, I will seek further proof it is real.
If you need motivation, have a look at this image. It is very sad, and will likely result in a sniffing of onions, so be cautious.