Message received from on 2011-02-13 00:35:28 GMT.
So, this is it guys!
We\'ve made the final modifications on Promicin Shots, Donate, iRC and Autoupload scripts.
Our job is finally completed and your job begins: you must leech, seed, comment, post and
enjoy every torrent that our tracker, SceneLinks, can offer you.
So that we\'re clear on something: we are a RATIOLESS tracker, we offer the latest torrents
that the \"Scene\" can provide and we ask in return just to follow the rules of SceneLinks.
We\'re going to clean the user table soon - we must get rid of inactive or bad users - , so, if
you still want to be part of the SceneLinks community, login and make your presence felt.
We wish you a nice Sunday and a beautiful Spring!
P.S. We\'re closing the gates soon and if your friends want to join us tell them that the Invite system in ON, or they can ask for invites on our irc channel (details available on the login page).
「Congratulations tpan ,
You are now a proud member of !
Please be sure to read the RULES and FAQ 」
「You can now setup your avatar, a different stylesheet and a different icon set.
Go tell your friend about it!
P.S. Did you know we are a RATIOLESS TRACKER?
NOTICE: This is a mass pm, it has been sent to the following classes: USER, JUNKIE, SNIFFER」
Message received from on 2011-02-13 17:54:22 GMT.
We have now done implementing Auto-bots servers that will upload over 300 torrents per day at speeds between 1000 Mbps 10 GBits.
PRE times are now faster than ever on our website.
We are now closing the signup, and I, personaly, the site admin will delete all accounts that have no leeches.(no downloaded torrents.)
if you want to remain a member of this community you will have to download at least 2 torrents every week.
If you fail to do so, then is bye bye Kansas.
Also do not forget that we are a RATIOLESS TRACKER, so all you have to do is seed a few hours. that is all..
Thank You,
(One of the sites admins.)
「 Your account has been selected to receive until Friday, Feb 18th, 2X the normal Promicin Shots for seeding!
We encourage you to abuse of this gift or it will be returned!」