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[已结束] bitGAMER 邀请恢复

1706 10
发表于 2011-2-11 06:26:17 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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2011-02-10 - New Dynamic Invitation System    (NEW)
Invitations have been re-enabled under a new, dynamic system. The dynamic system adjusts the number of invitations you receive based on the quality of the people you have invited in the past. That's all you really need to know. But if you're interested in the nuts and bolts of the system, read on.


There are two things to keep in mind in the new system: Your personal cap and your class cap. Power Users and above receive 1 invite every 15 days (every 10 days in the case of Elite VIPs), up to either your personal cap and your class cap, whichever is lower of the two.

Personal cap: Power Users and above are assigned a dynamic personal invite cap based on the performance of their past invitees. The exact details of this cap are are not made publicly available to keep people from gaming the system. However, if you invite good members and help them to get on their feet then you'll earn a higher personal cap.

Class cap: Your class cap is entirely determined by your userclass. These values may change over time at the discretion of the staff, but are otherwise steady. These values do not change based on the performance of your invitees.

The class caps are as follows:
Power User: 3
Elite User: 5
VIP: 10
Elite VIP: 15
Honored Members have unlimited invites.


Q. I've just been promoted to Power User. How many invites am I allowed?
A. Until you've invited 3 people, you will have a cap of 1. After that, the dynamic system will begin to evaluate your past invitees and assign you an appropriate cap.

Q. Why do I only have 1 invite when I used to have 10?
A. All invites were been reset to 0 when the new system was put in place in order to allow the new system to populate invites naturally.

Q. Is it possible to lose my invite privileges?
A. Yes, if you frequently invite poor users, you can lose your inviting privileges completely. However, you can still forward people to #bginvites on irc.bitgamer.com to get an invite from a dedicated group of volunteers and staff who frequent the channel.


These changes were made after much consideration, and we feel this new system will help to ensure a strong community as the site grows. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to visit the official forum thread.

// bG Staff


pc爱好者Lv.10 发表于 2011-2-11 07:59:51 | 查看全部
PU每15天一个邀请,根据你以前邀请过的人的情况来确定邀请码数量。honored member无限制邀请。白金会员?
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woaixiaomai@2Lv.8 发表于 2011-2-11 08:35:08 | 查看全部
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xtfllbl@2Lv.8 发表于 2011-2-11 09:20:42 | 查看全部
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isndtmdLv.4 发表于 2011-2-11 09:31:16 | 查看全部
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dufe_zhangqiao 发表于 2011-2-11 10:05:15 | 查看全部
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ime12Lv.9 发表于 2011-2-11 10:33:22 | 查看全部
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lenjongLv.10 发表于 2011-2-11 10:55:22 | 查看全部
ime12 发表于 2011/2/11 10:33

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power12317@2Lv.5 发表于 2011-2-11 13:38:00 | 查看全部
本帖最后由 power12317 于 2011-2-11 13:49 编辑

我想问的是TTG发的那些0DAY游戏资源是不是从这些站点下的?如果是,此站可以好好考虑了 。
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salexnovaLv.6 发表于 2011-2-11 23:56:04 | 查看全部
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salexnovaLv.6 发表于 2011-2-12 22:23:35 | 查看全部
"-InviterBot- First off! Thank you for your interest in joining bitGAMER.To obtain an invite, please read the following information:
-InviterBot- 1. Be patient and polite at all times.  It might take a while to fully process your request.
-InviterBot- 2. Read the Rules: http://www.bitgamer.com/wiki/index.php/rules and make sure you fully understand them.
-InviterBot- 3. Read the FAQ and Newbie Guide: http://www.bitgamer.com/wiki/index.php/FAQ http://www.bitgamer.com/wiki/index.php/For_new_users
-InviterBot- 4. Send a message to the Inviterbot '/msg InviterBot +request <email> <ratio proofs>' - For example: /msg InviterBot +request notarealemail@fake.com http://tinyurl.com/ykek37o
-InviterBot- 5. All ratio proofs should be an uncensored/unedited screenshot of your profile on a private tracker that you're a member of. Username, time and date, upload/download amounts must all be visible.  You can upload the file to http://www.imgur.com/  If you have an account at Underground-Gamer, include your UG username, like this: 'UG: SomeUGUser'
-InviterBot- 6. Feel free to censor any IP Addresses, passkeys, or IRC keys from your ratio proofs.
-InviterBot- 7. Once you have requested, stay in the channel, and wait for a response to your request. Do not PM anyone without permission.  Users who leave and do not return will be automatically added to the Declined list with notes explaining such.
-InviterBot- 8. If you are Accepted, the inviter might want to talk to you first to confirm your understanding of the rules, get additional information, etc.
-InviterBot- 9. If you are Declined by an inviter, the inviter will supply a reason in the decline message.
-InviterBot- 10. Once you've been declined by 3 different inviters, you are moved to the decline list.  Follow the directions/advice in the declined messages if you wish to become a member in the future.
-InviterBot- 11. If there are any issues(including, but not limited to: there is an error in your request, you've been declined in the past and would like to be reconsidered). Please type '+support <msg>' in order to contact the inviters. - For example: +support Hi. There was a typo in my Email address, my email address is jkob@gmail.com
-InviterBot- 12. Do not use the '+support' command to say that you've been waiting <insert random amount of time here>. Your request is in the system and will be dealt with in time. Be patient.
-InviterBot- 13. Invite trading and Account trading is bad. You will likely be banned from the channel and the sites you attempted to trade."
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