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发表于 2011-1-12 10:12:52 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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本帖最后由 灼灼琪華 于 2013-6-7 17:25 编辑



匿名  发表于 2013-6-5 13:18:55

It's time for a brief update about our financial situation. We intend to release a larger update within a month, so keep an eye on the news section for further developments regarding the site's financial future, and your role in shaping it.

We'd like to thank everyone who has contributed in the form of a direct donation or store purchase since the time of the last announcement. This fundraiser has proven successful enough to keep the site running in the short term. The final two weeks of April were especially strong, and if this is indicative of a continuing trend, it would suggest that we're momentarily in the black as of the time of this post.

However, it is clear that funding What.CD is a challenge with more systemic problems (as is indicated by previous fundraisers). Without stimulating the user base with an occasional call for help, we eventually fall behind. As the site grows, our bills grow. With this comes the cost of server upgrades. Keep in mind that we own our servers, so fixed costs are a luxury we do not enjoy. As stated previously, the cost of one server breakdown can easily exceed many months of average operating costs.

For these reasons, it is difficult to fund the site primarily through the What.CD Online Store, although it helps. But the reality is that not everyone wants to purchase merchandise, nor is everyone willing (or able) to pay for costly international shipping. While the store will remain an effective way for users to show their support for the site, we understand that it isn't an absolute solution.

We also acknowledge that everyone would prefer additional options which allow closer to 100% of contributions to directly fund the site—something impossible to achieve when selling tangible products. Toward this end, we have been discussing the implementation of new donation incentives, as well as a more profitable utilization of the store. Changes beyond these are being discussed, but are nowhere ready for public hinting, much less public introduction.

Beyond keeping the site afloat, additional short-term goals include replenishing a safety net of emergency funds, and funding an overdue hardware upgrade. The longest-term and most important goal remains ensuring that each month's donations haul is at least large enough to cover monthly costs.

At this time, we encourage our users to be patient. Proper execution of our plans requires frequent discussion as a staff team, coordination with external partners, many developer hours, and time spent ensuring the security of everyone involved.

But, hey—thanks to you, we're still here. Turn it to eleven and kick it.

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匿名  发表于 2013-5-28 10:34:04
We've recently implemented a handful of features, and would like to introduce them at this time:

Artist Collages
If you've ever wanted to create a collage of your favorite artists, similar-sounding artists, or artists with funny hairstyles, now is your chance! Just choose the "Artists" category when creating a collage and you're on your way. There are only three artist collages on the site as of the time of this posting, and we're hoping that you'll change that very soon.

Collage Searches
Continuing with updates to the collage system, we've given the collage page a slight revamp: the number of subscribers and update times are now being recorded so that you can find the most popular collages on the site.

Tag Deletes and Undos
You'll now find an "Undo Delete" option when deleting tags on a torrent page. After deleting a tag you have up to five minutes to undo the change. This will be especially helpful if you've accidently deleted the wrong tag.

Multiple Album Covers
Last but certainly not least, we now support adding multiple cover art images to torrents. For torrents that already have a cover image, you'll find an "Add Alternate Cover" link below the existing image. Click the link, fill the fields with an image URL and summary, and press "Add". For any torrent with multiple covers, navigation controls on the image box will allow you to scroll between the images that have been added.


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AutoSignLv.10 发表于 2013-5-20 20:11:48 | 查看全部
Our anonymous Rippy messaging system is a source of enjoyment for many users, but we've recently received a number of complaints reporting abuse. Until now, the built-in anonymity has made it impossible to moderate such complaints. To rectify this flaw in the system, each Rippy message will now feature a [Report] link that allows the message recipient to submit an abuse report to Staff. The Rippy sender's identity will be revealed to Staff in the report. Please send Rippy messages responsibly so that [Report] function use can be minimized.       

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lenjongLv.10 发表于 2011-4-11 20:46:44 | 查看全部
Just under a year ago we had a poll about keeping e-learning videos or removing them from the site, and the results were pretty evenly split. In light of that we decided not to remove e-learning videos but did begin to draft some new rules so that we could both handle them better and also limit their focus. These rules are now ready to be implemented, and are as follows.

7.3. Tutorials on how to use features of applications, musical instruments or computer hardware are the only allowed topics. No material outside of these 3 topics are allowed. For example, instruction videos about Kung Fu training, dance lessons, or beer brewing are not permitted here.

has become:

7.3. Tutorials on how to use musical instruments, vocal training, producing music or otherwise learning the theory and practice of music are the only allowed topics. No material outside of these topics is allowed. For example, instruction videos about Kung Fu training, dance lessons, beer brewing or photography are not permitted here. What is considered allowed under these topics is ultimately under staff discretion.


7.4. eLearning Videos must be either in a video file format (.avi, .mov, etc.) or a disk image (.iso, .bin/.cue, etc.). Exceptions: Only scene uploads may be archived into compressed archives (zip, rar, etc.).

has become

7.4. eLearning Videos must be in a video file format (.avi, .mov, etc.). Only one format is allowed per video, anything else is considered a dupe. Torrents should not be uploaded in compressed archives.

Obviously such a large change to how we handle videos also deserves an explanation. The change to the first rule has been made for two reasons. The first is that we decided it makes more sense to focus heavily on music oriented videos and to try and bring them up to the quality that we desire from the rest of the site than to continue with a broader collection of application oriented torrents that hadn't been touched or looked at in a very long time. The second is that in general it is the application video torrents that have provided us with the vast majority of problems within the e-learning category, especially regarding what is and isn't acceptable and the uploading of dupe torrents.

The change to the second rule again has a few reasons behind it. Ultimately we decided that the few benefits that disk images hold over compressed formats weren't enough to justify their place on the site, especially considering that these videos are educative and little more. Removing scene archives was decided upon so as to allow people to see exactly what format they are downloading, and because they offer little benefit over unarchived torrents.

We thank everyone who uploaded these torrents over the years, and hope that these changes and the subsequent removals of torrents don't upset anyone too much. Hopefully this can ensure that we keep the remaining videos better maintained well into the future.

As a final note, should anyone come across a torrent that is now against the rules could they please report it? In doing that you'll help ensure that we can make this transition as easy as possible.
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MedicineSUVLv.10 发表于 2011-4-4 01:22:52 | 查看全部
本帖最后由 crackin2 于 2011-4-4 01:24 编辑

首頁:『Neutral Leech』
4/2 AM 10:00 左右。

Update 2 (Apr 03 2011, 07:00): The current tracker issues will lead to another extension of the Neutral Leech, and we will give fair warning prior to ending the event. Additionally, it is to be expected that you will occasionally experience "502 Bad Gateway" errors while browsing: Reload the page until it loads properly.

Update: The recent downtime will NOT COUNT toward the Neutral Leech currently in effect for music torrents. It will last 48 hours (or more) of uptime. We apologize and thank you for your patience.

Note: Every music torrent is neutral-leech, even if it isn't marked as such on the browse pages. Check the actual torrent page if you want to be sure.

Neutral Leech

We hope you enjoyed the April Fools staff picks, but the festivities aren't over yet. We'd like to introduce Neutral Leech, in which neither upload nor download counts toward your stats. We feel that recent Freeleech events have been geared far more to the mass downloading of anything in order to facilitate an immediate gain in buffer than to obtaining and sharing the music you love. Ultimately What.CD is about sharing, and getting the music to people that want it, and whilst in an ideal world we wouldn't need a ratio system the reality is that it ensures things remain seeded. For the next 48 hours, however, there will be no upload or download counted on all music torrents, and we will instead rely entirely on the good will of everyone to continue to seed and contribute to the atmosphere of sharing that has got us where we are. Please consider this an opportunity to gorge on the music you love, and build your seeding library for the future in the process.

Just to ensure that there's no confusion, this is not an April Fool's prank, and everything will be free to download from the second that you read this announcement. Furthermore, all seeding requirements will remain in place for those who rely on them for lower ratios.

Enjoy the music, and keep sharing!

Please note that a few things may not yet be marked as this, wait until it says on the torrent page that it's neutral leech.

從 Forum :

We apologize for the tracker downtime, and would like to announce that the Neutral Leech will be extended to four days from the time of this announcement (approximately 1 AM, April 6th site time) in light of all the interruptions. We hope this gives everyone plenty of time to download everything they planned to. There will also be a reminder sooner to the end. The staff appreciates your patience and understanding over the last few days.
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xxwkof@2Lv.8 发表于 2011-2-10 17:06:38 | 查看全部
February Staff Picks! 8 hours and 26 mins ago
[size=1.75em]Staff Picks!

We were going to post these on Valentine's day, but we just couldn't wait. We have a bucketload of staff picks, winners' picks from the recent CSS and request competitions, and two guest picks for you today. Without further ado! First, the picks of the competition winners. Please head to the threadfor more detailed information, reviews, and to congratulate the competition winners!

[size=1.5em]dirto's pick

Wayne Berry - Home at Last

Genre: Rock, Country, Folk

Torrents: torrents.php?id=785838

Review - Home at Last is the solo debut album by Wayne Berry, a Nashville-based singer-songwriter and former member of the folk-rock group Timber. This is arguably one of the greatest "lost" singer-songwriter albums of the 1970s, featuring guest appearances by Johnny Gimble, Charlie McCoy, Ned Doheny, and Jackson Browne. The style of this album can be described as laid-back southern country rock in the vein of bands like Cowboy or The Ozark Mountain Daredevils. Berry is backed up by an amazing all-star band of session musicians including, among others, Steely Dan's Jeff "Skunk" Baxter, Jesse Ed Davis, Jim Gordon, David Briggs, Shane Keister, David Paich, Reggie Young, and most of the Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section. These musicians have played for the likes of Bob Seger, Rod Stewart, Lynyrd Skynyrd and Elvis Presley. As a result, this record can sound nothing but stellar, and it does indeed. On top of that, Wayne Berry's songwriting is top-notch and includes themes reminiscent of Jackson Browne, Bob Seger or Willie Nelson. Although quite heavily promoted, the album did not sell very well, and conseqently, Wayne Berry's completely finished second solo album remained unreleased. In 1976, Berry recorded another album with a band named Volunteers and worked as a songwriter for a while but he quickly faded into obscurity. Why this gifted singer-songwriter didn't make it big is a complete mystery that will be up to music historians to figure out. The fact that quite a number of songs from this album have been covered by renowned artists like Tom Rush ("Indian Woman from Wichita" and "Black Magic Gun" on Ladies Love Outlaws) and Steppenwolf ("Another's Lifetime" on Hour of the Wolf) is proof enough that Wayne Berry had a lot of potential.

[size=1.5em]mulletst0rm's pick

Temple of the Dog - Temple of the Dog

Genre: Hard Rock, Alternative Rock, Grunge

Torrents: torrents.php?id=11867

[size=1.5em]BossBrew's pick

Vektor - Black Future

Genre: Progressive Thrash Metal

Torrents: torrents.php?id=647361

[size=1.5em]Wolo's pick

Ryuichi Sakamoto - 1996

Genre: Classical, Contemporary, Electronic

Torrents: torrents.php?id=31981

These two users, in addition to contributing an immense number of torrents, have gone above and beyond to help the site.

[size=1.5em]Velvelette's guest pick

Rose Elinor Dougall - Without Why

Genre: indie, chamber.pop, psychedelic.folk

Torrents: torrents.php?id=808721

[size=1.5em]blubba's guest pick

Ludwig van Beethoven with Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen & Paavo Järvi - Symphony Nos. 6 and 2 (Paavo Järvi, Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen)

Genre : Classical

Torrents: torrents.php?id=736485

And finally, our picks! Be sure to comment on what you like, we always enjoy reading them.

[size=1.5em]clapton's pick

Luomo - Vocalcity

Genre: Microhouse

Torrents: torrents.php?id=10558

[size=1.5em]SupDimForFer's pick

¡Cubanismo! with Jesús Alemañy - Malembe

Genre: Latin, Afro Cuban, World Music

Torrents: torrents.php?id=697681

Review - I don't want to bias you, but tracks 1 (Mulence) and 5 (Now In Marianao) will get you in that toe-tapping mood!

[size=1.5em]hoth's pick

Ricky Skaggs - My Father's Son

Genre: Country, Bluegrass

Torrents: torrents.php?id=356446

[size=1.5em]jowa's pick

Inner City - Big Fun

Genre: House, detroit, garage house

Torrents: torrents.php?id=77538

[size=1.5em]bionicsocks' pick

The Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band - Cornology

Genre: Jazz, Pop, Rock (Style: Ragtime, Psychedelic Rock, Parody)

Torrents: torrents.php?id=212057

[size=1.5em]nando's pick

Various Artists - Exit Records Presents: Mosaic Vol. 1

Genre: drum and bass

Torrents: torrents.php?id=71904838

Review - It's been ages that I was waiting for this compilation to be released. What a brilliant sound coming from top artists!
I have to say thanks to StumblingGoat who introduced me to this one.
Croms' "Invisible Cities" song will take you up to the sky, as well as Synkro's"Open Arms". So many great tracks there!

[size=1.5em]Marienbad's pick

James Brown - Love Power Peace: Live At The Olympia, Paris, 1971

Genre: Funk

Torrents: torrents.php?id=106111

Review - This is by far the best live album James Brown ever made, and possibly the best album of any kind in his discography. This is the only live recording where Brown performs with the original and legendary J.B.s, the members of whom went on to form none other then Parliament-Funkadelic. This album could and should have been as monumental as Apollo. Its release, tragically, was delayed for one reason and another for more than twenty years, when it was finally released as a CD. This album dwarfs Apollo in length and quality.

[size=1.5em]Seraphiel's pick

Regina Spektor - Begin to Hope

Genre: Alternative, Lo-Fi, Pop

Torrents: torrents.php?id=33437

Review - The straight-out-of-"Still D.R.E." strings that open Spektor's follow-up Begin To Hope immediately announce an expanded sound, producer David Kahne sprinkles plenty of pop-friendly touches throughout the album. But the focus stays tight on Spektor's voice and songs that never struggle to make an impact, even as they defy easy definition. The hushed "Samson" (reworked from a self-released album) combines biblical imagery and references to Wonder Bread to sketch a relationship that's turned unexpectedly fragile. It's followed by "On The Radio," a catchy, uptempo track that dispenses some common-sense advice between references to Guns N' Roses' "November Rain" and funeral processions.
Elsewhere, Spektor immerses herself in roles, playing a tyrant (petty or elected, it's unclear) on "Apres Moi," and giving voice to a downtown type who's ridden the good times as far as they'll go on "That Time." Spektor remains, for the most part, sympathetic to her subjects, and even in its darkest moments, a humane glow envelops the album, which takes her already-arresting sound and expands it to widescreen.

[size=1.5em]PainTrain's pick

Acid Washed - Acid Washed

Genre: Electronic, Disco, Minimal

Torrents: torrents.php?id=733503

Review - Josh D. -Quietus wrote:
Playful and serious with their composition, concise and panoramic in their output and secretive in their public persona, Parisian duo Acid Washed (Richard D'Alpert and Andrew Claristidge) have here created a dense, multi-faceted record, the melancholic, multiple personalities creating a fine collection of songs....

[size=1.5em]spacirelei's pick

Various Artists - Never Lose That Feeling Volume 3

Genre: shoegaze, dreampop

Torrents: torrents.php?id=426866

Review -
My favorite artists covering more of my favorite artists; this compilation will bring joy to shoegaze enthusiasts. Don't know what shoegaze is? Fear not! It also works as an introduction to the genre. You will surely fall in love with the dreamy vocals and hazy guitars.

[size=1.5em]WormsWitchity's pick

Reggie Watts - Why $#!+ So Crazy?

Genre: Comedy, Funk, Electronic

Torrents: torrents.php?id=774867

One of the most fascinating and unique artists working today, Reggie Watts combines looped vocals created live on stage with his unique brand of improvised comedy. Reggie's subjects range from ancient history to technology to spirit elves to theology to pop culture. The music incorporates hip-hop, trip-hop, 80's pop alternative, nu-metal and classical opera. Reggie loves to disorient and confuse people in the most entertaining way possible.

[size=1.5em]oinkmeup's pick

Aretha Franklin with Ray Charles - Aretha Live at Fillmore West

Genre: soul, jazz, blues, live

Torrents: torrents.php?id=175090

[size=1.5em]alderaan's pick

Above & Beyond - Tri-State

Genre: Electronic, Trance, Uplifting Trance, Vocal Trance

Torrents: torrents.php?id=14794

[size=1.5em]Seethewaves' pick

The River Empires - The River Empires (Epilogue)

Genre: Progressive, bluegrass, folk, experimental

Torrents: torrents.php?id=747834


epinions.com wrote:
Pros: Etheral "chamber pop" meets experimental bluegrass. The sheer scope of it is the biggest pro.
Cons: Gets off to an extremely slow start. Too many distracting interludes.
The Bottom Line: An incredibly complex concept album that is long, meandering, and not the most accessible... but ultimately a very creative and rewarding listen.

I couldn't agree more. This is the first and only bluegrass/folk-related music I've listened to, and it's played in my head for days. Its musical themes and richness overall weren't fully apparent until a few play throughs. While not quite a 10/10 in my book, it's incredibly good, and its high points are very much worth at least one full listen.

[size=1.5em]Marigolds' pick

Kousokuya - 1st

Genre: Psychedelic, Rock

Torrents: torrents.php?id=330903

Review - Dark, intricately paced, scuzzed-out psych rock, from the Japanese underground. It also happens to be one of the best psychedelic records ever made. Essential if you're a fan of Fushitsusha, Shizuka and Les Rallizes.

[size=1.5em]WithTiredEyes' pick

The Wrens - The Meadowlands

Genre: indie rock, pop, rock

Torrents: torrents.php?id=33943

Review - The Meadowlands (released by the Berkeley-based indie Absolutely Kosher) has endured a considerably longer gestation period than Seacaucus -- almost seven years. Some undoubtedly feared the band would pull a My Bloody Valentine, promising an album that never materialized. That it has appeared at all certainly comes as surprise, but the real shock is how good it is. Rather than going for an ADHD aesthetic by rushing headlong through a slew of loosely sketched songs, the Wrens exercise a remarkable degree of restraint. Tracks here are allowed to breath and build, qualities that would have been anathema to the band that whipped up the first two records. Songs like "Happy" and "Faster Gun" showcase the Wrens' diversification and maturity, touching on the spooky effects of Modest Mouse and the off-kilter guitar heroics of Built to Spill without a hint of affectation. It's the sort of natural, organic growth that impresses without even meaning to.

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xiaochenjia楼主Lv.5 发表于 2011-2-2 11:49:05 | 查看全部
官方发布时间: “2011-01-31”

January has ended and with it the request competition!

So without any further ado, the prizes and winners for the 2011 request contest are:


1st Place - BossBrew receives a staff pick, custom title, What.CD T-Shirt, a Vanity House pick for February and a chance to choose which future suggestion out of a shortlist he would like to be implemented

2nd Place - Wolo receives a staff pick, custom title, What.CD T-Shirt and a chance to choose which future suggestion out of a shortlist he would like to be implemented.

3rd Place - dirto receives a staff pick, custom title and a What.CD T-Shirt.

Top 50 Draw - Staff pick, custom title and two invites

    * chanoxx
    * afr0sir27

Random prize for entering the contest - Staff pick, custom title and two invites

    * PunkMeUp

What.CD T-shirt winner

    * afr0sir27

Thanks a whole bunch to everyone that took part, for those interested we got a total of 4017 requests(!) filled over the course of the competition.

While we're at it, more stylesheets prizes!

We've had a riveting stylesheet competition and now that the votes have been tallied, there is a very clear winner, callumj's "Mono"!

For his gargantuan efforts he has been awarded a lovely What.CD T-Shirt and his stylesheet added to the official list of What.CD stylesheets! Many other people entered stylesheets into this competition and we applaud them for the efforts, however we would like to take this time to single out our second and third place winners: devertex for "white.cd" and noon for "GTFO Spaceship". These two stylesheets will also be added to the official list of What.CD stylesheets.

Everyone who was ranked in the Top 10 will be awarded a custom title, if they wish to have one. The top 10 contestants can feel free to contact me for their requested custom title at any time.

We would also like to give a special mention to mulletst0rm for a stylesheet he created but didn't quite make it into the poll due to an unfortunate mistake on our end; coincidentally enough he has also won our random stylesheet lotto for a staff pick in the next run!

Since this whole competition has been about stylesheets we would like to take the time now to tell all users that the EyeCandy stylesheet has been completely removed from the drop down menu of What.CD stylesheets. The removal of the EyeCandy stylesheet has been coming for some time now due to it's code being firstly broken and secondly difficult to maintain. The newer version of EyeCandy made in the competition will not be replacing the current EyeCandy. Any user that had been previously been using EyeCandy will still have the EyeCandy stylesheet, but it will no longer be in the dropdown box of stylesheets. The EyeCandy link will be placed in the external box for them.

As staff we have noticed a trend that users develop stylesheets but no longer maintain them after a certain period of time. When a stylesheet breaks, users are often left with nowhere to turn. We humbly ask that if you develop a stylesheet you take the time to maintain it so that other users may enjoy for the coming future.
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rick_k@2Lv.3 发表于 2011-1-31 20:56:12 | 查看全部
官方发布时间: “2011-01-22”

Last month we announced that we were launching a style sheet contest to spruce up the place.  We were overwhelmed by the positive response;  what.cd is indeed a haven of creativity and talent. The contest deadline has finally arrived today. You may still send updates to your submissions that didn't get finished on time, but new style sheets will no longer be accepted.

Staff have voted for our favorite submissions, and have chosen 10 finalists. We want you to take a look at them, vote for the one you like the most. We will then make sure the best man gets disabled rewarded.

You can view the submissions here. When you've made your selection, vote on the startpage poll.

Discuss this post.

EDIT: This poll has now ended.
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rick_k@2Lv.3 发表于 2011-1-31 20:53:02 | 查看全部
官方发布时间: “2011-01-17”
官方公告发布人: WhatMan

Being a private torrent site, we don't technically do anything illegal. However, not everyone agrees with this sentiment - especially, for some reason, payment transaction sites when the IFPI gets involved.

Since August, our donations have been down for much longer than they've been up, due mainly to payment providers caving to the demands of the IFPI. As you might imagine, it's been a nervewracking time for us, and we've only been surviving by delving deeper and deeper into our savings.

However, those savings have effectively dried up. Expecting this, we launched a new, solid payment processing system recently - flattr. Unfortunately, flattr is an unfamiliar system to most users, and it can be a bit confusing. As a result, we were not able to make our monthly donation goal in the month that we had flattr running. Thus, we have detailed how to donate via flattr in the following wiki article: How to donate via Flattr

Additionally, if you feel like donating a lump sum instead of a cloudy small sum like flattr encourages, you can do so by clicking here: https://flattr.com/donation/give/to/wcd Please note, however, that donations made with that link are entirely anonymous (unlike the ones from donate.php), and even though we would greatly appreciate any amount you put in there, we cannot reward you for them with invites or donor status. Also, the page just white-screens unless you're already logged in with a flattr account.

An Important Note: for regular donations (ie, not the lump sums linked above) flattr prorates the donations in the first month for new accounts. That means that, for example, if you signed up on the 15th of the month, added 6 EUR into your flattr "Means," and set the monthly flattr amount to 6 EUR, then your click would be worth only 3 EUR, or half a month's worth. The next month you will have to click on our flattr button again in order to make sure that the rest of the amount makes it to its correct destination. If you don't click on something in that second month, the balance will go to charity of flattr's choosing. So if you donated last month with a new flattr account, please click us again now.

In the three years of running this site, this is the first time we've had to make a front page announcement of this type. We've worked our hardest to support you over the past three years, and now, the time has come where we need you to support us. So if you have a little bit of extra money this month, we would be extremely grateful if you took the time to figure out how flattr works and help us out.


--What.CD Staff
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xiaochenjia楼主Lv.5 发表于 2011-1-12 10:18:38 | 查看全部
官方发布时间: “2011-01-10”
官方公告发布人: Theseus
As you may know, for the past several months request tax was reduced to 25% for new requests. This has lead to more than 15 terabytes of bounty that would otherwise have been deducted. This is in addition to the hundreds of terabytes of bounty already in the request system, and the little extra sprinkled by the RequestBunny. The request tax has returned to the normal 50%, and it's time to set about claiming all that bounty! Yes, we're happy to announce the official start of the request filling competition! This competition is focused on resolving some of our extensive backlog of requests, and as such the points gained will increase with the age of the request.

The rules:

    * 0 Points can be gained for filling requests created since the 22nd of December. This is to protect against people who may have created a lot of easy requests that they can fill for the contest.
    * 1 Point will be gained for filling a request created in the last six months.
    * 2 Points will be gained for filling a request created from six months to a year ago.
    * 3 Points will be gained for filling a request created over a year ago.

Any malicious and improper filling or unfilling of requests will be punished severely, and the offending users will not be allowed to continue to participate in the contest.

The contest will last until the last minute of January (site time), at which point the person with the most points will be declared the winner. There's a leaderboard on the front page via which people can keep track of both their own score, and the top 10 best request fillers.

Check the scoreboard here!

The prizes:

    * First Place will receive one staff pick, a custom title, and a What.CD T-Shirt of their choosing. They will also have the opportunity to prioritise a feature out of a shortlist of future suggestions that are to be implemented and be allowed to pick the featured Vanity House album for February.

    * Second Place will receive one staff pick, a custom title, and a What.CD T-Shirt of their choosing. They will also have the opportunity to prioritise a feature out of a shortlist of future suggestions that are to be implemented.

    * Third Place will receive one staff pick, a custom title, and a What.CD T-Shirt of their choosing.

Anyone in the Top 50 will enter a random draw for two users to win a Staff Pick, Custom Title and two invites.

Anyone with one point or more at the end of the contest will also be entered into a random draw for one user to win a Staff Pick, Custom Title and two invites.

One of these lucky 3 will also receive a What.CD T-Shirt

Some other things to note:

    * An enormous number of requests have not been updated to the requestv2 system. If you have any such requests, you will see [Request update report]. Please report your requests and fill in all relevant details; this helps uploaders find your requests more easily.
    * Staff will be paying close attention to request filling as always. Any attempts to manipulate or cheat the system will not be looked on kindly. Be sporting! We also ask people to keep an eye on anything that may appear to be cheating, and report it to us. The same is true for incorrect fills, which we ask are reported as soon as possible.
    * You may fill your own request, but remember that creating a new one and filling that won't count, and will be looked on very poorly.

Good luck everyone, we can't wait to see some of these old requests filled!
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