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[官方消息] TorrentLeech站点官方公告收集贴

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发表于 2011-1-2 17:52:43 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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xxwkof@2Lv.8 发表于 2011-3-3 09:55:26 | 查看全部
官方公告时间:Wednesday 2nd of March 2011官方发布人:W00t

Our VIP Promotions are extended once more!
Written by w00t
Wednesday 2nd of March 2011 04:55:59 PM

Our promotions to get free VIP are renewed for March as well!<br/>
You will find them both here!!

-->PartyPoker promotion(non USA) and
-->BoDog promotion(USA peeps!)!

Have fun
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anuLv.8 发表于 2011-2-15 10:06:19 | 查看全部
官方发布时间:Saturday 12th of February 2011 08:28:50 PM

官方公告发布人: w00t

NEW VIP Promotion!!USA Players friendly!!(updated)
Written by w00t
Saturday 12th of February 2011 08:28:50 PM

Yes, its true! Finally, after long negotiations, we managed to book a VIP deal for all our USA peeps!! And of course, our other promotion with PartyPoker is still going wild!

You will find them both here!!
-->PartyPoker promotion(non USA) and
-->BoDog promotion(USA peeps!)!
Have fun

P.S. URL of the USA promo had parts missing.Its complete now!
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xxwkof@2Lv.8 发表于 2011-2-9 17:08:16 | 查看全部

Written by w00t
Tuesday 8th of February 2011 08:33:43 PM

Forum and Wiki was down for maintenance, now its everything back to normal !

Please take some of your time and read the promo news here -->here !<--

Have fun
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xiaochenjiaLv.5 发表于 2011-2-9 03:40:07 | 查看全部
官方发布时间: Monday 7th of February 2011 06:45:50 PM

官方公告发布人: w00t

内容 :

A slightly reminder that our promotion is running WILD!! Also, you are kindly requested for all the new users who want to take advantage of this INSANE offer(ONE YEAR OF FREE VIP PLUS 2 INVITES!) plus ALL THE ONES WHO ALREADY TOOK IT, to pay attention to the 4b) paragraph!! <br />
<br />
On a side note, PartyPoker decided that whoever collects 100+ PartyPoints(this is valid for players who took the offer last month as well!!!) they are ELIGIBLE TO PARTICIPATE IN A TORRENTLEECH ONLY $1000 FREE-ROLL TOURNEY!! Read all about it -->here !<--
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anuLv.8 发表于 2011-1-13 08:32:12 | 查看全部
官方发布时间:Wednesday 12th of January 2011 04:15:46 PM

官方公告发布人: w00t

Free VIP for everyone offer extended!!
Written by w00t
Wednesday 12th of January 2011 04:15:46 PM

The 200 spots we gave 1rst of January were taken in a blink of an eye  However, the campaign was so successful that we were able to book 200 more spots so we can cover the huge demand! So, if you were left outside, now this is your last and only chance to grab the opportunity for the FREE 1 YEAR VIP + 2 INVITES OFFER! Dont blame us now if you miss it this time! Read all about it -->here !<--
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anuLv.8 发表于 2011-1-10 01:03:06 | 查看全部
官方发布时间:Sunday 9th of January 2011 04:43:29 PM

官方公告发布人: w00t

Happy birthday to...TL!

Today TorrentLeech becomes 6 years old!! THANK YOU for all your love and support all those years! Hopefully we will be more years around to keep serving you with the best releases on the globe!! Also, do not forget our ONE YEAR OF FREE VIP promo!!! Check it out -->here !

And stay tuned! Lot of surprises are underway!
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JNP楼主Lv.9 发表于 2011-1-2 17:53:35 | 查看全部
官方发布时间:Saturday 1st of January 2011 03:04:14 PM

官方公告发布人: w00t

Happy new year and a new promotion bonanza!!

Happy new year everyone! We also booked another BRAND NEW promotion for you guys!! GET ONE YEAR OF FREE VIP!!! Check it out -->here !<--Hurry up, only for the first 200 people who will take advantage of it! Happy new year!!

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