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[已结束] STs - 4th Annual 12 Days of Christmas

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发表于 2010-12-23 19:16:58 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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The staff here at ST enjoy the Holidays quite a bit and so many years ago we started the "12 Days of Christmas" celebration to bring our members together in interactive ways. When we think about Christmas we relate to many of the same ideas behind bitorrent and our community. They both represent a means of bringing people together, amazingly, on a global scale. But perhaps more importantly, the spirit of sharing and giving embody both ideas to their core. This year we will continue the tradition with more events, contests and more ways to give and get this holiday season! While most sites are content to throw on a festive banner and a Free Leech for the holidays, ST goes the extra mile and gives you 12 days of events to entice each member in a different way!

From December 20th to December 31st ST will have a different Event going on as a gift to our members. This is our way of saying thanks for a great year and good luck to the next. All days start and end around 12AM EST. The current event will be highlighted on this page as well as at the top of the browse page. Since many of our events involve manual changes to the site, please be patient if they are not immediately available to participate in. In addition to each event we have 5 contests that will begin immediately and end on January 1st. There is something for everyone so have a look at what we have going on and have fun!

Event InformationFree Request Day - December 20th
On the first day of Christmas, ST gives you the opportunity to make some free requests. MP3 and other requests will be free of charge so go nuts! Keep your upload credit and finally ask Santa for those season DVD's you've had your eye on! Go ahead, it's free! Also, don't forget to look through the other requests to see which ones you might be able to fill. The 22nd will be Double Request Credit Day so get any requests you can fill ready to upload early so you're not struggling to find or upload requests on the day of the event! You can even upload early and wait to actually fill the request on the 22nd.Open Signups Day - December 21st
On the second day of Christmas, ST gives your friends and family a gift - the gift of sharing! Run out of invites? Well today its open Signups for EVERYONE so be to sure to mark your calendar and send off that mass email reminder to your entire college campus.  Double Request Credit Day - December 22nd
On the third day of Christmas, ST gives you the ability to fill MP3 and other requests for DOUBLE the reward credit! The previous day brought tons of new requests and there's no shortage of old ones so have a look through your hard drives and see where you can help out. User upload rules regarding multiple uploads will be suspended for this day only! You can earn up to 8GB of upload credit just for pressing upload! You can even upload your requests before this day and wait to fill the request when this event begins.Double Upload Day - December 23rd
On the fourth day of Christmas, ST gives you the chance to boost your ratio for the new year. All that you seed and/or upload will be counted twice, so all the requests you filled should provide a nice steady stream of upload credit. Keep those torrents open and you won't be dissapointed!Free Invite Day - December 24rd
On the fifth day of Chirstmas, ST gives you a free invitation for your friends and family. Did you forget to tell your friends about open signup day?  We've been withholding invites all year in preparation for the site overhaul and now you can finally invite that friend you're always bragging to. Each class, with the exception of noobs, will recieve 1 Free invite if they do not already have any. Give that special someone (or your friend who won't stop asking you for an invite) the gift of sharing! Help Your Fellow Noob Day - December 25th
On the sixth day of Christmas or rather, Christmas itself, if you are an Ultra User or above, with at least a 1.3 ratio, you will be allowed to 'donate' a portion of your upload credit to your fellow members of the N00b, User and Power User classes. Certain restrictions will apply. View the Help Your Fellow N00b page for more details on how to donate and see this thread or join IRC if you wish to receive a donation.Lottery Day - December 26th
On the seventh day of Christmas, ST gives you the chance to win some major credit. That's right, for one day only we're bringing back the lottery. Buy your tickets and put on your lucky underwear cause this is gonna be a big one. The more members that purchase tickets, the higher the stakes. 10-20 (depending on number of participants) lucky members will win up to 500GB of upload credit to be added to their account. So, do you feel lucky? Well? Do ya?Music Appreciation Day - December 27th
On the eighth day of Christmas, ST gives you the gift of music. On this day you will be able to download as much music as you can fit on your ipod without affecting your ratio! Grab all the latest albums and some old favorites and expand your collection as fast as you can in the next 24 hours. Go ahead, we won't tell the the **AA's know how naughty you've been this year. If you haven't realized by now, this day would be great for getting in some music uploads as quick as possible, potentially providing yourself with a nice ratio boost!  Staff Appreciation Day - December 28th
On the ninth day of Christmas, ST gives you an oppurtunity to meet and interact with our staff as well as people from all around the world. Show your support for the hard work of our staff members and be sure to thank them!By this day we should have more than 1350 members on IRC in order to qualify for the perks of the IRC Flood Contest. We'll be giving you tripple the idle credit just for joining IRC and we'll have games on the forums with rewards given just for participation. Our staff will be hosting a myriad of activities that will be exclusive only to our members joining us on IRC and in the forums, or both. Come see what makes this place a community, have fun and who knows - you might walk away with a padded ratio! 4th Annual Double* Donation Day Charity Drive - December 29th
On the tenth day of Christmas, ST really gets into the spirit of the season. We've given over $20,000 in member donations to charities such as Childs Play and Saint Judes Hospital. Not only are we giving you incredible deals on upload credit for your donations but you *may* also be able to purchase raffle tickets for a number of awesome prizes. What better to show that you truly believe in the spirit of giving, with a portion of the proceeds going to charitys. Not only you are you helping a good cause but you're rewarding yourself in the process!*May not necessarily be doubled, rather discounted.Radio Appreciation Day - December 30th
On the eleventh day of Christmas, ST kicks off pre-pre-New Years Eve party live on ST's latest communal addition, ST Radio. We'll have LIVE DJ's covering the days events consisting of contests, trivia, prizes, requests and much, much more! Join us for some live music consisting of DJ's from around the world doing real mixing while participating in IRC and interacting with listeners. Not only that, but the Radio Idle Bonus will be quadrupled to 16MB's along with the IRC Credit being tripled  to 48MB's an hour for the duration of the event! So even if you don't win anything you still get a reward for joining the stream. As if that wasn't enough, we're also giving you a chance to win additional days of Free Leech & Double Upload after New Years Day! Please have a look at the Radio Flood section at the bottom for more information. Tip: When DJ Otto is on air you have the ability make Instant Requests! With any other DJ you can use the !request %artist% %song% trigger in IRC!
Half Download Day - December 31st
On the twelth day of Christmas, ST gives you whatever you want to download - for 'half price'! All torrents will only count for half of their total size. Not only that, but if we reach 1500 members in IRC by this day we will be extending "Half Download Day" into a full Free Leech on New Years Day and giving you double the upload credit. You did remember to ask santa for a new 2TB HDD, didn't you?


songboLv.4 发表于 2010-12-23 19:46:54 | 查看全部
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justmagical08Lv.8 发表于 2010-12-23 19:48:04 | 查看全部
实在是太长了 并且还没有号 懒得看
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骑马马Lv.8 发表于 2010-12-23 20:53:07 | 查看全部
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yuanjd@2Lv.5 发表于 2010-12-23 23:10:47 | 查看全部
现在没时间看E文了。 有时间让LZ给念一下吧。{:3_299:}
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lazyman 发表于 2010-12-24 10:08:32 | 查看全部
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