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[家庭影院/碟机] 国外一牛人自制MOD的NAS机箱 黑色小矮人

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发表于 2010-11-3 11:17:00 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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The open slot would be filled with a HighPoint Rocket RAID 2680 8 PortSata/SAS raid controller card from Newegg.com. This system would mainlybe storing files over the network, so this relatively low performancecontroller was an acceptable choice considering its very small size.  

The motherboard had an onboard power supply, however powering the 83.5" hard drives would require more juice than what the lone SATA powercable the board offered could provide- so I got an addition Serener120w DC-DC PSU that would be powered through an external AC adapter,both courtesy of Logic Supply.  

In addition to being tasked with storing huge amounts of files on thesystems 8 3.5" drives this computer would also be running 24/7 runningsharing files on Bit Torrent. For this I would give it 2 additional2.5" hard drives to be controlled through the motherboards built-inSATA controller. The drives would be ordered later and for constructionI would use dead disks.  

And for memory Crucial hooked me up with a 2gb DDR2 SODIMM which mounts to the underside of the board.  

The last big component I decided to include was a Matrix Orbitaldisplay. The system would be running headless, so I figured this wouldbe perfect to quickly monitor it's status.

Pre-visualization for this project included carefully stacking theparts on my workbench followed by a very crude drawing with somenumbers. The replacement 3.5" hard drives would be low power, 5400rpmdrives, allowing me to stack them relatively close together in thecase.  

The next step was to create the internal panels that the hard driveswould mount to. I chose aluminum also to help dissipate heat from thehard drives, and cut the pieces out with my jigsaw.  

The main exterior panels would be made from steel with a clear lid. Ifirst cut the bottom panel and fixed some motherboard stand-offs on oneend. This was followed by the two side panels, and a small piece on thetop that would later mount the buttons and hard drive LED's. The pieceswere then welded together.

A thick piece of aluminum was then cut and mounted to the back ofthe rear-most hard drive via the drives mounting threads. This wouldclose off the back compartment where the computer components would beto both channel air properly past the hard drives and also serve tosecure the hard drive assembly to the case body. This was done bycutting and tapping small steel tabs that were then welded in place.

The front panel would need to be removable to allow the large harddrive assembly to be put into place. It also would need to have somedetailed cutting done as it would also be the faceplate to the MatrixOrbital display. For this reason I decided to also make this piece outof aluminum, cutting it out with a scroll saw, and then filing it tofit the display. Tabs were then welded to secure it to the body.

As I moved onto the main computer compartment I started by cuttinga small piece of steel to match the small auxiliary PSU board. I thenattached some steel stand-off screws and welded the screws in placeonto the body. Another sandoff was also used to secure the RAIDcontroller to the case in the same fashion.

To make cutting detailed holes easier I again chose aluminum forthe back panel. Allowing proper clearance for the motherboard I fittedthe panel and then cut a large 120mm hole for the thin (10mm) Scythefan on the drill press using a large hole saw. Tabs were once again cutand welded to the main body to secure the back panel.

I then measured and cut out holes for the motherboard connectors on the jigsaw.

After mounting the motherboard and RAID controller I needed to cuta hole in the thick slanted plate that held the hard drive assembly inplace in order to accommodate the SATA cables.

The 2 2.5" hard drives would be mounted to the opposite side of theslanted hard drive plate via some stand-off screws using the mountingthreads on the underside of the drive. I cut a pair of small aluminumbrackets to then gang the two drives together using their side mountingthreads.

I then cut out a piece of aluminum to sandwich a mesh fan grill I bought to the back of the case.

I also used aluminum to fashion small feet for the system, whichwere cut out and filed, and then bent on the metal break. The feetwould also help to secure the front and rear panels.  

One of the most difficult parts to fabricate for this project would bethe clear plastic cover to view the drives. I chose a piece of 3/16"thick Lexan due to the materials resistance to cracking and chippingwhen being machined. The first step was to cut a few strips, 2 for thesides and one for the top piece that would also be bent to be the frontpiece as well. The two side pieces were then cut to match the angle ofthe metal on the case.

I wanted the plexi to sit smooth with the rest of the body, but italso needed to overlap for it to look right and fit snug. I used arouter table to rabbit the edges to accomplish this.

The top edges where the side and top pieces would be joined also had to be beveled on the router to fit together.  

The next step was finding out exactly where to bend the top pieceand bending it on the metal break. Lexan was a great choice for thisreason as well, as it is able to be bent without worrying about heat oranything; it bends just like metal.

After trimming the top piece and rabbiting the front to fit snuglyunder the aluminum front panel a bit of sanding was required to geteverything to fit together as tightly as possible. Finally the 3 pieceswere glued together and clamped to dry.

The joints were not perfectly smooth and clear but that's ok as Iwanted to round the corners out and would later paint strips across theedges.  

I got a couple Lamptron switches that would be placed on the small toppanel above the computer compartment. One was for the main power buttonfor and the other was going to be a power switch to turn on and offjust the 3.5" hard drive array. I also drilled 8 small holes for 5mmRGB LED's to monitor the 3.5" drives.

I decided that the system would need some easy access usb ports asanother option to get files on and off the system. I purchased a couplelong single usb header cables and was able to fit them to the frontpanel in between the drives and the very sides of the case.  

Lastly I marked and cut some lines on the very bottom of the case whereair would be able to enter and cool the system. These were cut with acutting wheel and then filed smooth.

Most of the parts where then painted black, and many of thealuminum parts where simply sanded to give them a bit of an industriallook. I received the final hard drives from Newegg which included 8 2tb5400 rpm drives. Wiring the system took some time due to the secondarymini-psu, as well as the led's for the RAID drive status, but oncecomplete the system started up and ran without any problems.  

Despite the close quarters, all the drives as well as the cpu maintainan acceptable temperature thanks to the solitary 120mm fan. The 8 2tbdrives have been configure as a single volume raid 5, with 12.7tb ofuseable space. The entire system consumes less than 90 watts underload, and while the CPU jumps to around 80% when writing files to theraid array, performance wise the raid 5 will get the job done at about88MB/s write and 266MB/s read.  

<strong>Final Product/Sponsors</strong>


xxwkof@2Lv.8 发表于 2010-11-3 11:24:24 | 查看全部
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smc326@2 发表于 2010-11-3 11:27:36 | 查看全部
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raul928Lv.6 发表于 2010-11-3 11:34:22 | 查看全部
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1530Lv.8 发表于 2010-11-3 11:43:55 | 查看全部
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时尚有点坏Lv.5 发表于 2010-11-3 11:46:49 | 查看全部
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lishijinLv.5 发表于 2010-11-3 11:53:11 | 查看全部
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tuibianLv.5 发表于 2010-11-3 11:57:07 | 查看全部
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k129999999 发表于 2010-11-3 12:06:02 | 查看全部
lishijin 发表于 2010-11-3 11:53

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flyxlq 发表于 2010-11-3 12:16:31 | 查看全部
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sertt 发表于 2010-11-3 12:22:34 | 查看全部
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oliveren@2Lv.6 发表于 2010-11-3 12:30:14 | 查看全部
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歪脖树Lv.9 发表于 2010-11-3 12:35:11 | 查看全部
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zets 发表于 2010-11-3 12:44:30 | 查看全部
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dreamlazuriteLv.8 发表于 2010-11-3 14:25:14 | 查看全部
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dreamlazuriteLv.8 发表于 2010-11-3 14:25:52 | 查看全部
歪脖树 发表于 2010-11-3 12:35

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歪脖树Lv.9 发表于 2010-11-3 15:19:38 | 查看全部
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burlLv.8 发表于 2010-11-3 15:41:09 | 查看全部
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youngsf 发表于 2010-11-3 16:33:20 | 查看全部
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acntbbs@2 发表于 2010-11-3 19:27:38 | 查看全部
电老虎八 那么多硬盘
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