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[已结束] Update on logchecker changes in Wh@t.CD

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发表于 2010-10-11 20:03:40 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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After exhaustive discussion amongst staff in efforts to try to find a middle ground between the staff's goals and the users' desires, particularly regarding the recent 1 point deduction on all EAC v0.95 logs, we would like to announce that as of this post, the following is in effect.

1) EAC v0.95 logs uploaded before the announcement of September 14, 2010 that score 100% are trumpable only by the original uploader. They retain their 100% score, provided there are no other deductions. But,
--1a) If the original uploader is disabled, his/her 0.95 uploads are given a 1% deduction (and are thus trumpable), regardless of upload date.
--1b) The original uploader may grant permission for other users to trump their EAC 0.95 uploads and have the ability to mark them as trumpable (reducing the score to 99%) to allow that.
2) EAC v0.95 logs uploaded after the announcement of September 14, 2010 are deducted 1% across the board for using v0.95, as originally announced.

Presumed FAQs
How do I mark an individual v0.95 upload of mine as trumpable?
When you click the [ED] link next to one of your v0.95 FLAC uploads, you will notice a checkbox that gives you the option to make your upload trumpable. Once it has been checked, the log will receive a 99% score and may be trumped by anyone.

I have too many v0.95 uploads! How can I set them all to be trumpable/untrumpable?
PM a staff member; only we have the ability to do this en masse.

Why would I want to make any of my uploads trumpable?
We are trying to push the site in the direction of using logs that have what we consider to be adequate documentation and highest assuredness of a proper rip. If you have a v0.95 upload that you yourself did not rip and do not know its origins, we would encourage you to allow it to be trumpable. If you ripped it and are confident in its quality, then it is within your right to keep them untrumpable. Either way, the choice is yours. These are just our recommendations for the betterment of the content we share.

So if I have my own 100% rip of an album, but I see that someone has kept their v0.95 log untrumpable, is there nothing I can do?
If there is nothing else trumpable about the torrent (bad tags, bad folder names, etc.), you can PM the user to politely ask them if they would be willing to mark it trumpable for you, but if they decline, that is the end of discussion.

If I mark my v0.95 upload as trumpable so that it becomes a 99%, will that deduct from my Perfect FLAC stats as well?
We have to assume that if you mark the torrent as trumpable, you are prepared for it to be trumped, in which case you would lose the Perfect FLAC stat anyway. So yes, marking a 100% v0.95 log as trumpable will remove it from your Perfect FLAC stats.

What if I was disabled and then re-enabled? Would my 0.95 uploads be restored to 100%?
Maybe. It depends on what you were disabled for, and whether we feel it's appropriate to restore them for you. This will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

We will soon offer users the ability to search their uploads for 0.95 logs to easily locate them; a post will be made when that is available.

ReplayGain and null sample deductions
After the logchecker changes went live, we had decided to retract our deductions for not using ReplayGain (for XLD) and not using null samples (EAC). We said that this deduction was only removed for old logs, and that we would update you all on what will happen with future logs. Here is that update.

Does not use ReplayGain: This will be a 1 point deduction on XLD logs uploaded after the announcement. As was already stated, XLD logs uploaded prior to this announcement will not lose any points.
Does not use null samples: There will be no deduction for this. We ask that everyone set their EAC to use them, but we will not deduct points for it.

Grace period
The grace period for all other logchecker changes will end on October 15, 2010 at 00:00 GMT. Please do not try to trump torrents that fall under the grace period before then. We appreciate everyone's understanding and cooperation through this very confusing time, and we hope this makes things easier, not harder, for all of you.


neozjxLv.8 发表于 2010-10-11 21:07:30 | 查看全部

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tanglangxiaLv.5 发表于 2010-10-11 21:13:16 | 查看全部
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johnsonliuLv.3 发表于 2010-10-11 21:52:45 | 查看全部
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xurunyuLv.2 发表于 2010-10-11 21:55:23 | 查看全部
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raul928Lv.6 发表于 2010-10-11 22:25:06 | 查看全部
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heyunhuaLv.5 发表于 2010-10-11 22:27:00 | 查看全部
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N.E.R.D 发表于 2010-10-11 22:29:49 | 查看全部
有号嘚看看吧 没号的退散吧
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stallionLv.6 发表于 2010-10-11 22:49:25 | 查看全部
用EAC进行CD FLAC抓轨后都会有一个log文件,上传FLAC文件的时候会由Wh@t log checker进行评分。这个公告主要是对由EAC0.95版本抓轨FLAC上传文件评分的解释,还不太理解里面的“trumpable”是什么意思,莫非是为了可以让其他人重新上传同一版本。我这里用EAC0.99,log评分从没到100。。。不得不好好研究一下配置了。
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N.E.R.D 发表于 2010-10-11 22:52:58 | 查看全部
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deas 发表于 2010-10-12 00:32:19 | 查看全部
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kasekid 发表于 2010-10-12 01:23:42 | 查看全部
谷歌浏览器真是方便= =
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stallionLv.6 发表于 2010-10-12 01:50:22 | 查看全部
研究了一晚上终于弄成了log 100%。


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