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[讨论/分享] 关于淘宝2块处理相框,已收货 附图


剑剑Lv.10 发表于 2014-5-21 22:19:00 | 查看全部
fh_xz 发表于 2014-5-21 21:16

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eric1234 发表于 2014-5-22 17:30:29 | 查看全部
本帖最后由 eric1234 于 2014-5-22 17:31 编辑

运行 ./hackfw.sh /dev/sdc 后

Interactive script to hack the firmware of your keychain photo
Message written.

Ok, first off all, we're going to backup the firmware and memory of your
device to fwimage.bak and memimage.bak. Please save fwimage.bak, you
need it to flash a newer version into your unit.
Making a working copy...
Looking for a known device profile...
hack/m_coby_dp151 ...
hack/m_coby_dp151_v8 ...
hack/m_coby_dp152 ...
hack/m_dealextreme_sku5218 ...
hack/m_dealextreme_sku5218_new ...
hack/m_dig-291 ...
hack/m_ebuyer ...
We have a match!
Requirements OK, we can try to hack the device. Proceed? (yes/no)
Patching fw...

Uploading fw
Firmware update! If unsure, press ctrl-C NOW!
Too late. Commencing firmware update...
Firmware upgraded. Un- and replug USB connection to restart device.

All done. To test, disconnect the device and when it has rebooted, connect
it again, go into 'update mode' and press enter. To quit, use ctrl-c.


Ok, just a sec...
Unable to get parm_block
Open failed!

显示打开失败,不知道到底是那里不行,替换前面的 libst2205.zip 后现象也是一样,希望懂得朋友能指导一下
上面不是都说了么 具体打开方法是载入驱动hack(/dev/sdx) 而不是使用USB口(/dev/usb0) 他这个脚本没有使用/dev/sdx去测试,你要自己使用setpic去测试,这个在hack里面你可以看到setpic文件夹,进去使用make se  详情 回复
发表于 2014-5-22 18:18
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fh_xz楼主 发表于 2014-5-22 18:18:38 | 查看全部
eric1234 发表于 2014-5-22 17:30
运行 ./hackfw.sh /dev/sdc 后

Interactive script to hack the firmware of your keychain photo

具体打开方法是载入驱动hack(/dev/sdx) 而不是使用USB口(/dev/usb0)

他这个脚本没有使用/dev/sdx去测试,你要自己使用setpic去测试,这个在hack里面你可以看到setpic文件夹,进去使用make setpic 就可以编译了
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fh_xz楼主 发表于 2014-5-22 18:52:16 | 查看全部
本帖最后由 fh_xz 于 2014-5-22 18:58 编辑

再付一张破解后的图吧 DSC_0362.JPG


怎么在win7下面破解呢?有win7下面的bin文件吗?[attachimg]24346[/attachimg]  详情 回复
发表于 2014-5-27 16:30
fh_xz 不知你看不看够坛子上的近期LCD的贴子,你这贴N大神都出声了,你能再详细些分享你破解的过程吗,你要知道大多坛子的兄弟在Linux方面是不太擅长的,大家都看是在N大和S大神们的教程中慢慢学习消化后才折腾起来  详情 回复
发表于 2014-5-26 18:01
怎么破解的,能发个教程吗?  详情 回复
发表于 2014-5-23 16:52
谢谢分享,做得不错呀,有空写个详细的教程吧,坛子上买了这款相框的在等着你的大作呢。 另请教下,用了./hackfw.sh /edv/sdb 之后重启了相框变黑屏和白屏了有什么办法恢复吗?我刷的两个一个变黑屏,一个变白屏,  详情 回复
发表于 2014-5-22 20:42
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沁雨寒Lv.5 发表于 2014-5-22 20:05:54 | 查看全部
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剑剑Lv.10 发表于 2014-5-22 20:42:57 | 查看全部
本帖最后由  剑剑 于 2014-5-22 20:47 编辑
fh_xz 发表于 2014-5-22 18:52


另请教下,用了./hackfw.sh /edv/sdb 之后重启了相框变黑屏和白屏了有什么办法恢复吗?我刷的两个一个变黑屏,一个变白屏,其他兄弟不知碰到过没有?呵呵,我就真的倒霉透了。看来,还是用我原来的2.4寸的实际些。 44.jpg

我的也遇到黑屏了,囧办呀,老大。求方法啊。  详情 回复
发表于 2014-6-16 22:51
2.4的还有吗 1.5的实在太小了...  详情 回复
发表于 2014-5-27 16:31
fh_xz 不要吝啬了,赶紧把破解步骤发上来啊!或者打包把破解的文件夹一起发上来。 你说的那个sdx 和usb0是后续了,肯定是先破解,再在lcd4linux用驱动调入。 如果先不破解,怎么可能载入呢? 还有setpic肯定是/dev/s  详情 回复
发表于 2014-5-26 17:33
想把空气质量的PM2.5 10等模块去掉,换上显示CPU和主板温度 ,这样就完美了  详情 回复
发表于 2014-5-24 07:21
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884079151 发表于 2014-5-23 16:52:16 | 查看全部
fh_xz 发表于 2014-5-22 18:52

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askaLv.10 发表于 2014-5-24 07:21:10 | 查看全部
剑剑 发表于 2014-5-22 20:42

另请教下,用了. ...

想把空气质量的PM2.5 10等模块去掉,换上显示CPU和主板温度  ,这样就完美了
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wuterwu_519Lv.10 发表于 2014-5-24 07:58:27 | 查看全部
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nonzheLv.10 发表于 2014-5-26 17:33:41 | 查看全部
剑剑 发表于 2014-5-22 20:42

另请教下,用了. ...

你说的那个sdx 和usb0是后续了,肯定是先破解,再在lcd4linux用驱动调入。
我试了一下圆形的1.5寸的,和那个方形的有所不同,固件肯定更新过了,用原始的hack是找不到匹配的。 其实需要自己去把下载来的固件打开,重新编辑的。 具体看: So you've got an unsupported ST2205U-device and wa  详情 回复
发表于 2014-5-26 17:49
发表于 2014-5-26 17:44
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nonzheLv.10 发表于 2014-5-26 17:49:24 | 查看全部
nonzhe 发表于 2014-5-26 17:33
你说的那个sdx 和usb0 ...

So you've got an unsupported ST2205U-device and want to create support for it?
I hope you understand 65C02 assembly, or at least are willing to learn a little
of it. Disclaimer: if you end up with a bricked device, I'm not responsible!
This is what's needed:

- Dump the firmware.
./phack -df fwimage.bin /dev/sda
- Break up the firmware in segments. Each segment is 16K:
for x in `seq 0 3`; do dd if=fwimage.bin of=fwimage-seg$x.bin bs=16384 skip=$x count=1; done
- Disassemble segment 1 using a 68c02 disassembler. You can use the symbols.def
  file in this directory. Segment should be loaded at address 0x4000.
- Open up the disassembly file and look for a shitload of consecutive writes to
  the addresses 0x8000 and 0xc000. If these are there, the firmware uses an
  external LCD-controller. If you can't find these writes anywhere (not even
  in the other 3 segments), it uses the internal one and you'll have to figure
  out the code to modify my assembly yourself.
- Copy hack/m_coby_dp151 to hack/m_[the name of your device]. For the patch to
  work, you'll need to create a correct spec-file. Use the existing one as
  a template.
- Disassemble segment 0 using a 68c02 disassembler. You can use the symbols.def
  file in this directory. Segment should be loaded at address 0x4000.
- Open the disassembly file and look for something like this:
LDA     D037c
CMP     #$31
BNE     L73c1
LDA     D037d
CMP     #$00
BNE     L73c1
BRA     L73d3
  The important thing here is that two subsequent memory locations (here
  037C:037D) get compared to 0x3100,  and later (not shown) to 0x3300.
  Modify the CMP_VAR1 and CMP_VAR2 in the specs-file to reflect these
  memory locations.
- A few lines later, you should see something like this:
LDA     #$ff
LDX     #$ff
STA     D037c
STX     D037d
  The location of the LDA-instruction, minus 0x4000, should go into the
  specs-file as PATCH_AT.
- Locate some free space. We require a location in the first segment that has
  about 240 consecutive FFs in it. Load up fwimage-seg0.bin in your favourite
  hexeditor and  go look for a location like that. Hint: there's usually one
  at the end of the file. This should go into the specs-file as EMPTY_AT.
  If the space is very small (<500 bytes), please make a note of it in the
- Locate a routine starting with
LDA     #$55    ; 85 U                                 
STA     D0240                                          
LDA     #$53    ; 83 S                                 
STA     D0241                                          
LDA     #$42    ; 66 B                                 
STA     D0242                                          
LDA     #$53    ; 83 S         
  Make a note of the location of the start of the routine and enter this in the
  specs-file, minus 0x4000, as SEND_CSW.
- Locate a piece of code looking like this. (The refs to adresses 2xx will be
  the same, the ones to 37x may differ):
STZ     D0370
STZ     D0371
LDA     D0216
STZ     D0370
LDA     D0217
STA     D036f
ASL     D036f
ROL     D0370
ROL     D0371
- Fill LEN1 to LEN3 with the ASL/ROLled adresses, fill LEN0 with LEN1-1. In this
  example, LEN0=$36E, LEN1=$36F, LEN2=$370, LEN3=$371
- Check the kind of controller you have: if you find this in your disassembly
  code (mostly in segment 1), your controller most likely is an PCF8833 and you
  should leave your CTRTYPE at 0:
LDA        #$2a        ; 42 *
STA        X8000
(Snip! 2 or 4 stores to C000)
LDA        #$2b        ; 43 +
STA        X8000
(Snip! 2 or 4 stores to C000)
  On the other hand, if your code looks more like this:
LDA        #$f4        ; 244 .
STA        X8000
(Snip! one aditional store to 8000)
LDA        #$f6        ; 244 .
STA        X8000
(Snip! one aditional store to 8000)
LDA        #$f5        ; 244 .
STA        X8000
(Snip! one aditional store to 8000)
LDA        #$f7        ; 244 .
STA        X8000
(Snip! one aditional store to 8000)
  you've got a UC1697V on your hands and CTRTYPE should be 1.
- Fill out CONF_XRES, CONF_YRES with the horizontal and vertical resolution of
  your device.
  Leave CONF_PROTO at 0, which is the PCF8833-protocol.
- Regenerate the binaries using the 'assembleme'-script. You'll need to have
  crasm installed for this.
- Try the hackfw script. If the script finds your device profile and asks if
  you really want to flash the hacked firmware, !disconnect your device! and
  enter 'yes'.
- The hacked firmware now is in the 'fwimage.bin'-file. Please revise the
  patched areas around PATCH_AT and EMPTY_AT: a mistake here could in theory
  brick your device.
- If you're sure it'll work, you can try the hackfw.sh script for real.
- Rejoice if you see the 'It Works!' image :)
- If you see a garbled mess or if the image is offset, your OFFX, OFFY or
  CONF_BPP-settings are wrong. Go to the setpic-dir and run
./setpic /dev/sdX -test test.png
  and fiddle with the keys. As soon as your image is correct, you can copy
  the displayed settings to the spec-file.
- Zip up the m_yourmachine directory and mail it to
  me <picframe@spritesmods.com>, if you like.

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剑剑Lv.10 发表于 2014-5-26 18:01:45 | 查看全部
本帖最后由  剑剑 于 2014-5-26 19:32 编辑
fh_xz 发表于 2014-5-22 18:52


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884079151 发表于 2014-5-27 16:30:14 | 查看全部
fh_xz 发表于 2014-5-22 18:52

怎么在win7下面破解呢?有win7下面的bin文件吗? bin文件.jpg
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mpj645Lv.5 发表于 2014-5-27 16:31:54 | 查看全部
剑剑 发表于 2014-5-22 20:42

另请教下,用了. ...

2.4的还有吗  1.5的实在太小了...
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zjbsmLv.5 发表于 2014-5-28 16:26:23 | 查看全部
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洗洗枣 发表于 2014-6-12 00:01:47 | 查看全部
QQ图片0.jpg ,大神,帮忙给看看吧,像素偏移的太严重了。
你的破解了?能发个教程么?  详情 回复
发表于 2014-6-16 19:49
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poi1234Lv.10 发表于 2014-6-15 00:28:20 | 查看全部
处理的lcd... 真便宜。
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newbinxx 发表于 2014-6-16 19:49:52 | 查看全部
洗洗枣 发表于 2014-6-12 00:01

发表于 2014-7-14 00:11
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洗洗枣 发表于 2014-6-16 22:41:13 | 查看全部
QQ图片11.jpg 有一个破解了以后黑屏了,怎么救活啊,求助啊
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洗洗枣 发表于 2014-6-16 22:51:00 | 查看全部
剑剑 发表于 2014-5-22 20:42

另请教下,用了. ...

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