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[巴法络] LS-WVL在日本官网放出1.65版的固件了~

3816 3
发表于 2013-5-29 15:37:33 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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●LinkStationシリーズ ファームウェア アップデーター(Windows) Ver.1.65

 データ名  LinkStationシリーズ ファームウェア アップデーター
 Ver.  Ver.1.65
 登 録 名  ls_series-165.exe
 バイト数  286,942,163 Bytes
 掲 載 日  2013年5月23日
 対応機種  Windowsパソコン
 対応 OS  Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8
 著作権者  株式会社 バッファロー
 作成方法  自己解凍
 転載条件  転載禁止
 マニュアル   はじめにお読みください
 GPL/LGPLのライセンス   本製品は、GPL/LGPLの適用ソフトウェアを使用しており、



eser3000楼主 发表于 2013-5-29 15:38:40 | 查看全部
●Ver.1.65 [2013.5.23]
  PIONEER N-30、他
  onkyo T-4070

●Ver.1.65 (DTCP-IP:1.65-20130507)※DTCP-IP機能のアップデート
・CyberLink DMS製品からのダビング、ムーブができない問題を修正しました。
・CyberLink SoftDMA for TOSHIBAで再生できない問題を修正しました。
・東芝dynabook TVで録画した番組のダビング、ムーブができない問題を修正しました。
・NEC VALUESTARで録画した番組のダビング、ムーブができない問題を修正しました。
・NEC VALUESTARで録画した番組をダビング、ムーブすると、再生時に録画開始時間の表示が「00:00」と表示される問題を修正しました。
・NEC VALUESTARで録画した番組をダビング、ムーブすると、再生時に録画時間が録画時と異なる問題を修正しました。
  PIONEER N-30、他
  onkyo T-4070

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超导体Lv.10互助团队 发表于 2013-5-29 17:12:49 | 查看全部
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wahhh 发表于 2013-5-29 20:18:17 | 查看全部

● Ver.1.65 [2013.5.23]
• In the firmware Ver.1.64, I Fixed an issue that can not use the USB device server.
· The firmware Ver.1.62 or later, when there is a large number of files in the shared folder, fixed the problem that the disk check is not completed.
-I added the corresponding model LS-AVL, LS-XHL, LS-CHL, the LS-SL.
• When you format the external HDD with a capacity greater than 2TB, it was fixed the problem that it will not be recognized.
• In the LS-WSX240L, it has been improved the problem that error occurs when you make a copy of the file to a shared folder.
• In the network player the following equipment, fixed the problem that can not be paused when playing music.
  PIONEER N-30, other
  onkyo T-4070
• When you initialize the LinkStation, This has been fixed that are not successfully set the media server.
• When you initialize the LinkStation, This has been fixed that are not set correctly iTunes server.

● Update of ※ DTCP-IP function Ver.1.65 (:1.65-20130507 DTCP-IP)
• When dubbing the program recorded about 24 hours of Toshiba Regza series, we fixed the bug of can not fast forward, rewind during playback.
• The media server publishing folder, if you set to save the content large number of files to "publish", fixed a problem that LinkStation to freeze.
· I Fixed dubbing from CyberLink DMS product, a problem that can not move.
- Fixed the problem that can not be played on CyberLink SoftDMA for TOSHIBA.
• In Toshiba Regza series that content for reproduction of SKY! Premium service, I was fixed that problem can not be played Parental Control program.
• Fixed dubbing of programs recorded in the Toshiba dynabook TV, a problem that can not be moved.
• When you display the program list in the Panasonic SKY! Premium service-enabled tuner, This has been fixed the start time is displayed as "00:00".
• In the DTCP-IP-enabled devices player, I Fixed an issue where the program recorded in December 2012, is listed in the January 2013 folder of [date] folder.
• Fixed dubbing of programs recorded in NEC VALUESTAR, a problem that can not be moved.
Dubbing, if you move a program which I recorded with NEC VALUESTAR, was to correct the issues that are displayed as "00:00" is the display of the recording start time during playback.
Dubbing, if you move a program which I recorded with NEC VALUESTAR, This has been fixed the recording time is different from the time of recording during playback.
-I was fixed DTCP-IP function after updating the LinkStation, is set to "allow" all the DLNA device access restriction setting.
• In the network player the following equipment, fixed the problem that can not be paused when playing music.
  PIONEER N-30, other
  onkyo T-4070
- "Move the program (move)" on the operation screen, in the case of a program of recording time of about 8 minutes, I have to correct the issues that are displayed as "00:01" is recording time.
• When you initialize the LinkStation, This has been fixed version of DTCP-IP does not appear in the WEB setting screen, can not update DTCP-IP function.
• When you initialize the LinkStation, This has been fixed that are not successfully set the media server.

Please check the [Here] change history of previous.
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