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[官方消息] 【JPTV】用户等级下月调整

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发表于 2023-3-7 16:23:21 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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User class changes from next month!
Published On Mon, Mar 6, 2023 4:02 PM

We have had a couple rough weeks here at JPTVclub. But we are still here, and we are glad you are too!
Thank you for spending your time on our silly little site!

There are going to be some changes at the end of this month (March), and I wanted to give everyone a heads-up.

1)  Hit and Run immunity will no longer be available to regular users. The Veteran, seeder and archivist user classes will no longer have hit and run immunity. If you are currently one of those classes, the changes may affect you.

2)  We are proud to be working with Rapidseedbox to provide quality seedboxes at a reasonable price to our users. By using our affiliate link, you are supporting JPTVclub. Rapidseedbox has a pretty cool user interface that makes it really easy to use. If you are interested, please try them out with our affiliate link:

If you have any questions about the above changes, let us know in the forums. Please don’t contact staff directly as other users may have the same questions.

We have more exciting things in the future for our silly little site, but that is all for today!

Torrent on friends!!


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