当我在aria2.conf文件中seed-ratio设置为seed-ratio=0.0 就有以下出错,aria2不能启动。
Parse error in /opt/etc/aria2/aria2.conf
Exception: [AbstractOptionHandler.cc:69] errorCode=28 We encountered a problem while processing the option '--seed-ratio'.
-> [OptionHandlerImpl.cc:258] errorCode=1 seed-ratio must be greater than or equal to 0.0.
--seed-ratio=RATIO Specify share ratio. Seed completed torrents
until share ratio reaches RATIO.
You are strongly encouraged to specify equals or
more than 1.0 here. Specify 0.0 if you intend to
do seeding regardless of share ratio.
If --seed-time option is specified along with
this option, seeding ends when at least one of
the conditions is satisfied.
你好,我在buffalo的nas上安装aria2时候遇到了一些问题,想请教一下。我的nas是LS421DE,按照你的步骤操作后,无法通过Secure CRT登陆,一直提示 The remote system refused the connection.我发现论坛里也有很多朋友遇到这种情况,是不是因为最新版的固件,不支持这样的破解了?我的固件版本是最新的1.81,请问有没有新的方法能安装啊?谢谢了!