我之前也是这个问题,我去xpenology上查了下,说是VID和PID不对造成的。我用的是Jun29号发布的V1引导,然后换了个U盘重新试了下,就好了。 http://xpenology.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=22100
Note 3: Please check you have the right VID/PID prior proceeding. If you get the following error ”Failed to install the file. The file is probably corrupted. (13)" it means your VID and/or PID is wrong.
楼主,灰常感谢,搞了三天终于安装成功了,我加上加上了0x和SataPortMap=2 这个参数就好了。完整grub如下:
serial --port=0x3F8 --speed=115200
terminal_input serial console
terminal_output serial console
set default='0'
set timeout='1'
set fallback='0'
SataPortMap=4 means first 4 ports of 1st controler.
SataPortMap=44 means first 4 ports of 1st controler and first 4 ports of 2nd controler.
SataPortMap=422 means first 4 ports of 1st controler, first 2 ports of 2nd controler and first 2 ports of 3rd controler.