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[其他] 西部数据桌面级硬盘和企业版硬盘的区别

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发表于 2012-7-26 21:43:53 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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西部数据同时生产多种不同的硬盘,包括普通桌面级硬盘以及专为RAID设计的RE(RAID Edition)企业版硬盘。不过企业级硬盘的价格远远高于相同容量相同性能的桌面级硬盘,许多用户在预算有限的的情况下尝试用普通的桌面级硬盘,特别是西部数据的绿色(Green)系列来代替RE系列。不过要回答是否可以用桌面硬盘来代替企业版硬盘这个问题,我们受限需要来看看桌面级硬盘和企业版硬盘的区别。

不同系列的硬盘是有区别的。在单碟容量、缓存容量、寻道时间、转速以及读写速度等参数上不同的硬盘是不同的。不过企业版和普通桌面版硬盘最重要区别之一是:桌面硬盘没有TLER (Time Limited Error Recovery)限时错误恢复。

西部数据在其官方网站上(Answer ID 1397)详细描述了这个区别:

西部数据同时生产桌面级硬盘和RE(RAID Edition) 企业级硬盘。不同版本的硬盘是分别针对普通独立硬盘环境和多硬盘RAID环境单独设计的。


        注意: 少数的制造商的RAID控制器是针对特定型号的桌面版硬盘所设计。如果你在使用这些控制器,你需要同控制器的生产厂商联系以获得相应的支持。桌面版硬盘已经被测试并推荐在消费级RAID(RAID-0 / RAID-1)中使用。要获取更多的信息,请参见Answer ID 996: Support for WD desktop drives in a RAID 0 or RAID 1 configuration.
当桌面版硬盘发生错误,硬盘将进入深度恢复循环模式(Deep Recovery Cycle) 并试图修复这些有错误的区域,并将修复的数据重新分配到独立的区域。一些情况下,这个过程可能会花费长达2分钟的时间。然而大多数RAID控制器只提供很短的时间以供硬盘进行错误恢复。如果硬盘花费了过长的时间去完成这个过程,那么该硬盘可能会被RAID控制器离线。大多数RAID控制器仅仅允许7秒值15秒的时间进行错误恢复,否则就会将该硬盘离线。所以西部数据不推荐将桌面版硬盘使用在企业环境(或者是RAID环境)中。

西部数据的RE(RAID Edition)企业版硬盘提供了称作限时错误恢复(TLER  Time Limited Error Recovery)的功能,以防止硬盘进入深度恢复循环模式(deep recovery cycle) 。在限时错误恢复模式下,硬盘将只使用7秒钟去尝试恢复错误,以防止硬盘被RAID离线。虽然限时错误恢复(TLER)是为RAID环境所设计,但在非RAID环境中使用含有错误恢复(TLER)的硬盘并不会降该低硬盘的性能。

        重要: 西部数据 鱼子酱 黑色版本, 鱼子酱 绿色版本, 以及鱼子酱 蓝色版本并不保证在使用企业HBA或者多硬盘仓的RAID环境中能正常运行,因为它们并不是为RAID所设计,也没有在RAID环境下测试。对于所有重要商业RAID应用,请考虑使用含有限时错误恢复(TLER  Time Limited Error Recovery)功能,并为RAID环境设计的西部数据企业版硬盘。这些硬盘全部经过24×7的RAID测试,以及过热老化测试。并且这些硬盘包含了诸如RAFF 等高级功能。

Western Digital manufactures desktop edition hard drives and RAID Edition (RE) hard drives. Each type of hard drive is designed to work specifically as a stand-alone drive, or in a multi-drive RAID environment.

If you install and use a desktop edition hard drive connected to a RAID controller, the drive may not work correctly. This is caused by the normal error recovery procedure that a desktop edition hard drive uses.

        Note: There are a few cases where the manufacturer of the RAID controller have designed their cards to work with specific model Desktop drives. If this is the case you would need to contact the manufacturer of that controller for any support on that drive while it is used in a RAID environment. Desktop Class Hard Drives are tested and recommended for use in consumer-type RAID applications (RAID-0 / RAID-1). For more information about using a Desktop hard drive in a RAID please see Answer ID 996: Support for WD desktop drives in a RAID 0 or RAID 1 configuration.
When an error is found on a desktop edition hard drive, the drive will enter into a deep recovery cycle to attempt to repair the error, recover the data from the problematic area, and then reallocate a dedicated area to replace the problematic area. This process can take up to 2 minutes depending on the severity of the issue. Most RAID controllers allow a very short amount of time for a hard drive to recover from an error. If a hard drive takes too long to complete this process, the drive will be dropped from the RAID array. Most RAID controllers allow from 7 to 15 seconds for error recovery before dropping a hard drive from an array. Western Digital does not recommend installing desktop edition hard drives in an enterprise environment (on a RAID controller).

Western Digital RAID edition hard drives have a feature called TLER (Time Limited Error Recovery) which stops the hard drive from entering into a Deep Recovery Cycle. The hard drive will only spend 7 seconds to attempt to recover. This means that the hard drive will not be dropped from a RAID array. While TLER is designed for RAID environments, a drive with TLER enabled will work with no performance decrease when used in non-RAID environments.

        Critical: WD Caviar Black, Caviar Green, and Caviar Blue hard drives are not recommended for and are not warranted for use in RAID environments utilizing Enterprise HBAs and/or expanders and in multi-bay chassis, as they are not designed for, nor tested in, these specific types of RAID applications. For all Business Critical RAID applications, please consider WD’s Enterprise Hard Drives that are specifically designed with RAID-specific, time-limited error recovery (TLER), are tested extensively in 24×7 RAID applications, and include features like enhanced RAFF technology and thermal extended burn-in testing.



syjx39 发表于 2012-7-26 22:53:11 | 查看全部
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微博评论 发表于 2012-7-27 08:13:54 | 查看全部
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惠普畅游人 发表于 2012-7-27 16:34:03 | 查看全部
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fuzhaopeng 发表于 2012-8-8 07:29:24 | 查看全部
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wm1245 发表于 2013-7-10 19:49:53 | 查看全部
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luty 发表于 2013-7-18 14:30:13 | 查看全部
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随风飘逝ゞVIPLv.8 发表于 2013-7-22 02:14:09 来自手机 | 查看全部
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equalizer 发表于 2013-7-22 13:32:24 | 查看全部
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walker1682000Lv.10 发表于 2013-7-22 14:03:42 | 查看全部
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hsl667 发表于 2013-7-22 22:25:22 | 查看全部
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香酥Lv.10 发表于 2013-7-23 10:18:00 | 查看全部
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liulin123 发表于 2013-7-23 10:50:09 | 查看全部
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haomaru 发表于 2013-7-23 14:57:45 | 查看全部
结论就是高帅富买红盘  屌丝买绿盘
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mancn 发表于 2013-7-24 09:10:48 | 查看全部
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walker1682000Lv.10 发表于 2013-7-24 11:49:16 | 查看全部
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麦兜Lv.3 发表于 2013-7-26 14:09:12 | 查看全部
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thermaltakLv.2 发表于 2013-7-27 18:29:20 | 查看全部
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鸟语王 发表于 2013-8-17 21:11:02 | 查看全部
刚刚买了一个nas的红盘,感觉还行 不是很快的
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ilivelineLv.10 发表于 2013-8-17 23:41:00 | 查看全部
學習了 感謝
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