Changes made by DI4bI0 1. Update VirtualBox and Kernels to version 5.0.14 r105127 for DSM 5.1/5.2 bromolow/x86_64 2. This Version should fix some known issues, related to DSM Version 5.2-5644 3. Package size minimized, the Package will now download all needed Software on its own 4. Improved error reporting 5. Added german translation 6. Droped ACPI shutdown option, to prevent some serious problems caused by it 7. Changes made to VirtualBox-Config.xml to fix a problem that would not allow you to change the phpvirtualbox password 8. Changed the way how the handle running VMs, if you shut down the Package or your Diskstation 9. Fixed the 20% bug 10. The Package will now download and install the latest phpVirtualbox version