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[巴法络] buffalo nas ts5400D 引导盘ISO文件分享

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发表于 2015-11-18 22:14:30 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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本帖最后由 hzx505 于 2016-1-15 20:51 编辑

buffalo nas ts5400D 引导盘ISO文件分享


原贴地址:http://forums.buffalotech.com/in ... 7.msg50654#msg50654

下载链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1gdi76Kz密码: ccd8


1.U盘引导ISO文件=TS5400 boot image.iso 大小约24MB。
2.写入启动U盘程序=UltraISO v9.6.5.3237.exe 大小约2M。
3.官网下载升级程序=ts5000_4000-310en.zip 大小440MB
4.官网下载管理程序=nasnavi-282.zip 大小6.3M
5.ts5400用户手册=35020018-14_ZH-CN.pdf 大小9M
1 用UltralISO程序把引导文件ISO写入U盘。插入机器背后USB2.0口,
2 背后启动方式选择开关置于USB。
3 开机,即从U盘启动(有条件要保险点的,可外接显示屏、键盘,在BIOS选择U盘启动系统安装后再改回从硬盘启动)。
4 U盘启动过程时间较短,若引导成功下一步就是升级官方系统
5 观察LCD小屏,会有相关英文提示。提示内容可查阅手册位置在最后章节的LCD显示器-代号表。
6 按LCD屏提示操作,按fun功能键(小圆点按钮)切换到恢复系统模式。到这里比较不直观,若不是很清楚自己的操作是否正确,不仿多按几次对机器无害的,大不了重头再来。
7 在固件升级模式(此时是红色屏,仅供参考具体以小屏提示内容为准)
8 此时打开升级程序文件夹运行TSUpdater.exe,这时你的型号5400会在窗口显示,按提示操作即可,这过程时间会较长约20~30分钟。
9 升级完成。重新启动并把启动模式开关拨回HDD。
10 重启完,安装BUFFALO NAS Navigator2进行管理设置IP等若需要的话。
11 注:安装系统要在同一IP段进行,可在BUFFALO NAS Navigator2程序中更改。

http://buffalonas.com/hzx505/axs ... B%E7%A8%8B%E5%BA%8F


oldthree6289楼主Lv.10 发表于 2015-11-18 22:28:40 | 查看全部
Bringing a Terastation TS5400 back from the dead
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published by MRE on Thu, 09/11/2014 - 11:00
At work we had a few Terastations laying around, and the word was we needed some proper file sharing in the office. We also would like some backup and web server space. While I dont advocate using a Terastation as a full blown server, it is sufficient for small jobs, and has all the benefits of a RAID array to store your web data.

Unfortunately, these units had "new" drives in them, and do not boot. One is older, and I will have to walk through getting that one up and running in another post.

Anyway, the TS5400 had 4 fresh 1TB disks installed, but no OS. It was clear from the LCD display that it got through at least BIOS.

The TS5400 series has a VGA connector on front (inside the door), and you can plug a USB keyboard into the USB2.0 jack in back. Booting with the head on reveiled exactly as I suspected: BIOS pass but no OS. So I hit up Buffalo for some guidance. As anyone who has worked with them can attest to, that was absolutely useless. They pretty much rely on their user community to solve any problems. Sucky customer service. Need we remind them that if you build a product in which 99.9 percent of the software inside is linux and open sourced, demanding a serial number before giving out a restore ISO borders on license violation. They DON'T OWN any of the software they are distributing.

What made things worse is that the unit is from Japan, and I was using the US site (because, you know, English). No matter how hard I tried, the US site refused my serial number. Switching over to the Japan site, we find that they only distribute the non serial locked software. AS in, they want you to email them and get haggled into some sort of service agreement before they will give you a rescue ISO. Forget that nonsense!

Lots of googleing, forum reading, and poking at the machine finally got it up and running.

I will say that I have two older Terastations, which I have never managed to get running, predominantely because of Buffalo's shenanigans and difficult to follow/conflicting information online from users. These older units use embedded processors, and require that the Linux kernal be compiled for them. The newer units use Intel Atom processors, and are thus MUCH EASIER to get back up. In essensce, getting it to boot ANY form of x86 linux will get you in the ballpark. With 1GB of ram and a modern BIOS/motherboard, its pretty easy.

Step 1: Get an ISO
You will need to determine your boot strategy. You can do it on USB memory stick or from an external USB CD drive. The "modern" method is via memory stick, so I will stick to that. HAHA Oyaji-gagu!!

Virtually any slim x86 Linux distro should boot, but the recommended ISO came from this forum post. I will add the file to this blog later on, in order to presever for prosperity.

Download the file and burn the ISO to a bootable USB using your favorite tool. There are several. I use the Universal USB Installer.

Step 2: Put the TS5400 into USB boot mode
You are likely familar with the process, but for those who are not; we need to get into BIOS and configure the NAS to boot off the memory stick. To do this, simply reset power on the machine (looong press on the power button or just pull and reinsert the power cord). When the machine starts booting up, hit F2 or F7 repeatedly. When the BIOS boot screen comes up it should jump to BIOS. From here you can use the keyboard arrow keys to find the drive setup and enable your USB drive as the first bootable device. It helps to note that if you insert the stick before powering up, BIOS will find it and the name will be obvious.

Before saving and exiting BIOS, flip the HD/USB switch on the back of the machine to USB. This is a secondary security feature to prevent USB sticks from booting.

Save and exit BIOS. It should automatically reboot.

Step 3: Confirm bootup
By now you should see a bunch of text flying up the screen. Those more familar will instantly recognize it as Linux, and rejoyce that they have arrived at a state of some control over the machine. Wait around a bit and you will eventually be given a prompt. You can confirm that all is well by logging in. Use the ultra secure "admin" for user name and "password" for password (without the quote marks!)

Step 4: Get tooled up
Head over to Buffalo and install NASNavigator2 and TSUpdater. You will also need a text editor, preferably something code compliant like notepad++.

First thing's first; we need to confirm you can see the NAS on your network. It is a simple matter of running NASNavigator and checking that your device is on the network. If so, great!. If not, well I don't have much advice for you. There are a lot of reasons your NAS might be in working order but invisible on your network. Lots of googling will tell you things like "put your NAS and computer on a router by themselves and set their IP addresses manually to something..* Follow that advice. Or redo Step 2.

Step 5: HACKZ!
At this point, I was at a standstill. The recovery image is just that, RECOVERY. It does NOT install the OS on the machine. There is no installer in the ISO as far as I know. What you actually have to do is instruct the NAS to fetch the OS from an online repository and install itself.

The tool for the job would appear to be TSupdater. Start it up and you are slapped in the face by "no partitions exist. Aborting update"

What the heck? Is that not what the tool is for?

After more googlepoking, I found this very informative blog post.

What it amounts to is Buffalo built a good tool for setting up their machines (likely part of their design/production cycle OEM toolset), and then promptly cripled it before distributing it to users. Presumably so you would have to pay them, or a licensed service provider some crazy amount of money to check and uncheck a few boxes on user interface.

Here is the modifications as posted in the blog above, in a nutshell:

Perform the hack:
Browse to the TSUpdater folder and edit a text file. In the original blog post it was LSUpdater.ini but in my installation I found it to be TSupdater.ini. You will need to add the [SpecialFlags] section, and set the VersionCheck flag to 0
Edit LSUpdater.ini / TSUpdater.ini

VersionCheck = 0
NoFormatting = 1

Restart TSUpdater. You now have access to the debug menu. Crucally, you can set the option to rebuild the partition table. Once you have it doing it's updates, take a lunch break, it will take a LONG time to format drives, download the OS, install it and get everything up to working order.
You can also pull out the memory stick and this point and flip the switch back to HD mode at this point.
Step 6: Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo
Read this.

Congratulatons! You should now have a working Terastation. Browse and confirm you have file folders with NASNavigator. If so, you can go ahead and log in via web interface as normal, configure your RAID, etc.

tags: TerastationNASTS5400Linux
TS5400 boot image.iso
- See more at: http://diy-scib.org/blog/bringing-terastation-ts5400-back-dead#sthash.LlcukIiJ.dpuf
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oldthree6289楼主Lv.10 发表于 2015-11-18 22:30:08 | 查看全部
本帖最后由 hzx505 于 2015-11-18 22:47 编辑





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jame9Lv.10 发表于 2015-11-19 11:25:57 | 查看全部
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mike2008Lv.3 发表于 2015-11-21 07:30:10 | 查看全部
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牛小敌 发表于 2015-11-24 06:23:06 | 查看全部
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jobslutaoLv.10 发表于 2016-1-5 00:29:45 | 查看全部
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gun180 发表于 2016-1-13 10:55:46 | 查看全部
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gun180 发表于 2016-1-13 21:21:06 | 查看全部
下载地址:第1个操作系统,最新版本3.1 大小 429M http://buffalo.jp/support_ap/support/products/ts5400.html  详情 回复
发表于 2016-1-13 23:50
官方TSUpdater下载没?运行它就写入系统了  详情 回复
发表于 2016-1-13 23:39
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oldthree6289楼主Lv.10 发表于 2016-1-13 23:39:59 | 查看全部
gun180 发表于 2016-1-13 21:21

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oldthree6289楼主Lv.10 发表于 2016-1-13 23:50:51 | 查看全部
本帖最后由 hzx505 于 2016-1-14 00:01 编辑
gun180 发表于 2016-1-13 21:21

下载地址:第1个操作系统,最新版本3.1 大小 429M。配置文件按默认的不用改。刷不进再改。正常情况首次都能升级成功的

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gun180 发表于 2016-1-14 00:56:00 | 查看全部
注意事项: 参考这个图文教程在EM模式前后好像操作有所不同,仔细看下小屏幕的英文提示。若系统升级不成功,重启,再升级。一般U盘引导完把后面开关拨到HDD升级安装系统问题不会很大,多试几次就好了。 ========== T  详情 回复
发表于 2016-1-14 10:14
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oldthree6289楼主Lv.10 发表于 2016-1-14 10:14:42 | 查看全部
本帖最后由 hzx505 于 2016-1-14 10:17 编辑
gun180 发表于 2016-1-14 00:56
楼主NASNavigator2和TSUpdater都下载了。问题在TS5400获取不到IP。在网络里面找不到,该怎么解决这个问题呢 ...

TS-VHL系列原版系统 U盘引导安装方法






5.开机---直到LED屏幕现在红色,长按FUNCTION LED屏幕蓝色后松手。







1.1将U盘插入电脑,然后运行USB Image Tool.exe 软件.

1.2 选择U盘,然后点Restore 按钮

1.3 选择TS-VHL_USB_BOOT.img 文件.

1.4 耐心等待完成.....




5.开机---直到LED屏幕现在红色,长按FUNCTION LED屏幕蓝色后松手。

大约5~10秒 LED变蓝,松手即可.





8. 在电脑里面运行固件升级程序。。。。TS-VHL系列_124_修改过参数_测试OK.rar

   解压后,运行文件夹里面 TSUpdater.exe


然后点Update 然后耐心等待。。。。。。





10 安装Nasnavi_269W_NAS管理软件.zip 里面的管理软件,然后运行,即可看到NAS的IP,登录即可。

用户名 admin  密码  password





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oldthree6289楼主Lv.10 发表于 2016-1-14 10:44:19 | 查看全部

TS-VHL系列原版系统 U盘引导安装方法-1.pdf (368.94 KB, 下载次数: 49)
TS-VHL系列原版系统 U盘引导安装方法-2.pdf (463.01 KB, 下载次数: 37)

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gun180 发表于 2016-1-14 12:13:49 | 查看全部
报上邮箱  详情 回复
发表于 2016-1-14 12:17
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oldthree6289楼主Lv.10 发表于 2016-1-14 12:17:19 | 查看全部
本帖最后由 hzx505 于 2016-1-14 12:54 编辑
gun180 发表于 2016-1-14 12:13

“开机---直到LED屏幕现在红色,长按FUNCTION LED屏幕蓝色后松手” 按住很久都没反应,不变蓝色。感觉是NAS的网络没有启动。  详情 回复
发表于 2016-1-14 13:56
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gun180 发表于 2016-1-14 13:16:50 | 查看全部
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gun180 发表于 2016-1-14 13:56:32 | 查看全部
hzx505 发表于 2016-1-14 12:17

“开机---直到LED屏幕现在红色,长按FUNCTION LED屏幕蓝色后松手”
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oldthree6289楼主Lv.10 发表于 2016-1-14 15:50:15 来自手机 | 查看全部
看来路由器DHCP里面也没有NAS、如果用黑裙U盘引导就没问题。谢谢  详情 回复
发表于 2016-1-15 10:24
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gun180 发表于 2016-1-15 10:24:23 | 查看全部
本帖最后由 gun180 于 2016-1-15 10:26 编辑
hzx505 发表于 2016-1-14 15:50
晚上在家我在想想,之前在红屏时具体如何操作没什么印象了。你试试路由器看看是否有,改下固定IP  ...

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