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本帖最后由 bi1200 于 2015-3-14 08:42 编辑
2015.03.12 - 发种标题规范 感谢发种员及各位站友对本站的大力支持,最近准备对标题做出整改,想统一为用点“.”来分割关键词,某些站点的规则也许是用“[]” 或者空格“ ”来分割,规则的不统一造成了标题的混乱,希望[size=5;]发种员及各位站友[size=5;]在以后的发种过程中能留意并将标题中的所有分割符改为点“.”(已经发布的资源,管理员或者发布者有空的话可以回改一下),给您的工作带来不便,敬请谅解,在此送上最诚挚的感谢。拜托了! 另外,3.15和4.26要来了,大家在外面还是保持低调吧.曾经在幽幽暗暗反反复复中追问,才知道平平淡淡从从容容才是真。像脸书、推特、贴吧、微博、论坛、人人、豆瓣、知乎、果壳这等公开的平台,最好不要出现网站的信息,前车之鉴已经不胜枚举,希望能够平稳渡过。
Thanks to the various uploaders as well as friends of the site for their support to the site. Recently, we have made several adjustments to the title format of uploads, making use of "." to seperate key phrases. Other sites may make use of "[]" or an emply space "" to seperate key words. This variation in rules between various sites has created a scenario whereby the titles of torrents posted are now extremely messy. Hopefully, future uploaders will take note to adjust all speerators to a ".".
With regards to torrents that have already been psoted, administrators/uploaders can make the necessary adjustments if they are free. We apologise for this incovenience and hope that all uploaders understand. Thank you.
On another note, 3.15 and 4.26 are coming. We hope that everyone will maintain a low profile, and avoid mentioning the site on open platforms such as facebook, twitter, tieba, weibo, forums, tudou, etc, allowing the site to continue operations as smoothly as possible
3、每发布一个相关资讯,系统都会自动加上20丝瓜的奖励。 |