As you may have noticed, during last month TvT was offline for a longer-than-expected period of time. Now we managed to find a solution to our problem.
Here comes the part where we need your help. We've opened up the donations in order to make the transition to a better hosting server and we rely on you guys. Anyone who will donate will be awarded with a donor star and XX GB of upload.
// TvT staff
Asa cum poate ati observat in ultima luna TvT a fost offline pentru o perioada mai lunga de timp decat ne asteptam si, intr-un sfarsit, am reusit sa gasim o rezolvare a acestei probleme.
Acum vine momentul in care avem nevoie de ajutorul vostru. Am deschis donatiile pentru a face tranzitia catre un server mai bun si ne bazam pe voi pentru a ne ajuta. Oricine va dona va primi o stea de donator si XX GB upload.