2011/11/06 23:35:00 [cO] Starting MLDonkey 3.1.0 ...
2011/11/06 23:35:00 [cO] Language EN, locale UTF-8, ulimit for open files 1024
2011/11/06 23:35:00 [cO] MLDonkey is working in /root/.mldonkey
2011/11/06 23:35:00 [cO] creating new MLDonkey base directory in /root/.mldonkey
This core is running with glibc 2.5 but it was compiled with glibc 2.3.6.
This can lead to unexpected behaviour. Consider compiling the core yourself
or getting a binary compiled with glibc 2.3.6.
2011/11/06 23:35:00 [cO] Logging in /root/.mldonkey/mlnet.log