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UG :bitGAMER Closure

1010 3
发表于 2013-1-7 09:01:54 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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As many of you are aware, our sister site, bitGAMER, shut down operations at the beginning of the new year. While we know there was a lot of cross-over between our sister communities, it has also left a lot of users looking for a new place to make their home. To these users, we say "Welcome."

We believe that the most important of the many things that made bitGAMER great was the amazing community, and that is a vision we share here at Underground Gamer, too. Our long-time members know that we always place the community first, and we think anyone coming over to UG will find a positive and relaxed atmosphere where we can share our love for retro gaming and discuss the many other loves that we share.

Now it's worth noting the ways in which Underground Gamer and bitGAMER diverge. First, and most importantly, Underground Gamer is a retro gaming community. Where bitGAMER strove to provide comprehensive coverage of modern gaming systems, Underground Gamer strives to provide that same coverage for retro gaming systems.

While our communities share a common heritage, there are some important differences worth noting:
•  Underground Gamer focuses on retro games - it doesn't deal in content for modern systems such as Nintendo DS, Wii, PS3, PSP and Xbox 360, nor PC games (or commercial add-ons to them) originally published after 2004.

•  On the other hand, this also means some content not accepted on bitGAMER - such as PC games released before 2000 and games for systems up to and including 6th generation, as well as various tabletop RPGs and wargames are all welcome here.

•  Unlike bitGamer, where users started with 10GB upload, new users do not start with any upload. See FAQ

•  Golden Torrents do fully count toward your ratio just like normal torrents outside of special events.

•  Featured Torrents are, on the other hand, freeleech for an entire week starting on Sunday (when the new set is selected) until the end of Saturday. If you want to raise your ratio quickly, these are the best torrents to make use of - and the last batch of Featured Torrents was selected just a few hours ago.


yqx888 发表于 2013-1-7 09:21:08 | 查看全部
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kerr 发表于 2013-1-7 09:23:30 | 查看全部
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yingmingdeng 发表于 2013-1-7 17:29:50 | 查看全部
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