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Waffles.fm Sunday Staff Picks

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发表于 2012-12-24 12:37:06 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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So, we're trying something new - we'll be doing a staff pick round-up once a month on a Sunday night. They will be themed, and all picks will be available as free leech for a limited amount of time. This is our inaugural Sunday, so if this works out, and is something you guys enjoy, we will keep on keeping on. Thanks, again, for everything Waffles.. and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

December theme: The Holidays


New York Minute- Not a conventional song when thinking about the holidays but a song which always instilled familiar nostalgia and ambiance I get around new years. Truly reminds you of how fast time goes and that before you know it another year will have gone by. It hits that chord for me that puts things into perspective.


A Change at Christmas (Say it Isn't So) - Quite simply my favourite Christmas song ever. The lyrics are frail, naive, hopeful yet resigned... just like the season. The music has a perfect Christmas vibe to it, even tho it can feel somewhat at odds with the melancholy lyrical theme. But that's also just like the season - positive feelings of friendliness, generosity, and happiness against a backdrop of mass-consumerism/commercialism...

There you go - I think it's all gonna work out just fine.


Logos - Atlanta 96 - I don't listen to Christmas songs. They sometimes get stuck in my head and I'll admit I'm a sucker for Mariah Carey's rendition of All I Want for Christmas Is You but I don't see much of a point in making a staff pick out of what may very well be the biggest Christmas hit of all time. Anyway, my point is, coming up with something for the Christmas playlist was about as hard for me as I imagine staying sober on New Year's Eve might be. So why Atlanta 96? Is it festive? Hell no. Is it cheerful? Maybe, if your everyday reality was eating rocks and hunting sewer rats for entertainment. No, I picked Atlanta 96, not just because of its awe-inspiring beauty, but because it ties into my idea of Christmas. Used to be that Christmas was a time for sick gifts and fantastic food, and I guess in a way I still value those things, the latter at least. But more so than that, Christmas is and always has been one of those few things I have in common with my family. We're a Christmas family, it's one of the very few times a year when we actually do shit together and it's not annoying. Not always, anyway. And it just so happens that Atlanta 96 is to music what Christmas is to daily routine. In that I can actually blast it on the home stereo and it doesn't scare the crap out of my parents. My dad even likes it, sort of. And so he should!


Clark - New Year Storm - The name of this track is merely a convenience. There is nothing about this track that is festive. It's a cold, harsh piece of music and the reason I identify it with the holidays is because during my annual new year's eve blowout, this is the kind of thing we play in some obscure club's basement at 7AM in the morning. And that's my kind of new year's eve.


The Pogues - Fairytale of New York - An all-time favorite, I chose this song because it's definitely not one you'd hear pumping through the stores. It's a bittersweet anthem that manages to both make me laugh and tug a bit at my heart strings.


Pizzicato Five - The World's Spinning at 45 R.P.M - With the coming apocalypse and end of days upon us this holiday season, I really can't feel all that festive. Not sure why, but during the holidays I always feel nostalgic and melancholic. Even more so knowing we will all be obliterated in a few weeks. Even so, it's a good time to stretch the arms out, enjoy life and pure pop perfection in the form of one of the most perfect albums ever made, which is all about the end of the world, loved ones and feeling melancholic and nostalgic. So enjoy the song/album (preferably with a nice glass of gin), sit back and enjoy the demise of the planet earth as well as the 2012 holiday season in the classiest way possible. □ sayonara_2012


Mogwai - Xmas Steps (taken from EP+6) - This isn't what you would call a traditional Christmas song, or maybe it isn't even a Christmas song at all, but it has Xmas in the title and its one of my favourite Mogwai tracks. Its raw and emotive and everything I love about Mogwai. Plus these guys are fellow Glaswegians like me and I'm into that. I listen to EP+6 a lot during the winter months.

Please note - these releases are all free leech until Sunday, January 30th. Some releases link to just one format, and others are more robust. Please do not petition the staff to add additional formats as free leech, after you upload them. We hope you enjoy our choices. <3, waffles.fm



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