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Cartoon-Bits contest

1076 1
发表于 2012-12-12 16:44:29 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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CartoonBits staff has for you two contests in November, more details here:
1. Contest 1!!(发3个邀请,送10G上传,前几天刚好每人送了4000分,可以自己兑换,)
2. Contest 2!!(评最有趣的祝福)

Contest 1:who wants to improve their behalf should invite as many friends! invitations sent on 3 get 10 GB upload! ! He who sends the invitation has several donor 1 week, 1 month and immunity Vip 1 month + 20 guests! Registrations are here in the forum in a reply again after you registered during 2012.12.11-2013.01.30. You will be able to send invitations! each 10 guests will receive once you have finished you will get more!! If you do not send any invitation from the received invitations received will be taken back and any user you invitations, reply The work of this tracker! luck and welcome as many as possible.

Contest 2:Most interesting Christmas wishes will be rewarded!! (the finest 3) the jury's CartooBits `s staff members will designate winners Any other opinions are not taken into account! offensive or indecent messages will be punished.
Prizes: I place: 1 year 150 Gb Vip upload karma points 5000 + free + Special Title unlimited immunity!
Place II: Vip 1 month 100 Gb upload unlimited immunity 3000 + karma points!
Place III: 1 week 50 Gb Vip upload 1000 + immunity 1 year karma points!
contest begins today and ends on 2012.12.24 You're in total larger and Merry Christmas Everyone !


乌贼 发表于 2012-12-13 21:38:59 来自手机 | 查看全部
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