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x264 New BP System & Xmas Comp

1004 1
发表于 2012-12-7 19:25:59 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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Bonus Point System Upgrade & Christmas Competition!

We're implementing a long overdue change to the bonus point system. Instead of earning one flat rate of points no matter how many torrents you seeded, the new system rewards based on how many torrents you are seeding. Due to such big changes to the system we're also forced to change around some of the bonus point options and amounts, and we're taking that opportunity to add new option of letting Power Users and above buy invites with bonus points. We will be looking to add many other bonus point spending options in the future. Ideas include letting users buy a custom title of their choosing, a global bonus point pot which results in some kind of site-wide free leech weekend, and a few other various ideas like a "slot machine" type option that allows you to bet bonus points. We'll be looking to add them in order of easiest to code and implement.

New Seeding Bonus:
You receive 0.1 points per torrent for every hour the system registers you as seeding those torrents. Up to 200 torrents seeding (so up to 20 points per hour).

New Bonus Points Lineup:
750 points = 2.5GB
1250 points = 5GB
2500 points = 15GB
3750 points = 30GB
10,000 points = Enable the Top10 Feature
5,000 points = 1 invite for PU+ (price might go up in time)

We've decided to do a little competition for the Holidays and beyond! All users are invited and encouraged to participate! Complete any of the tasks listed in this forum topic that you can, and at the end of the competition we will tally up everyones points and hand out prizes. The tasks are mostly built around encoding, as to encourage members to encode who haven't tried it before. However, we've added options that any member can accomplish, including a task on inviting good users. Anyone who needs one-on-one realtime encoding help just needs to join us on IRC at the Encoding Help channel: http://x264.me/chat.php

We'd also like to remind all our users about the awesome Christmas and Holiday banners we have, which can be viewed at the bottom of this page.

There was a mass of brute force hack attempts against hundreds of accounts on 2012-11-22. A few people that used really simple passes did actually have their accounts compromised, but largely it was just a pain in the ass for the few hundred members that got System PMs warning them of the hack attempts (and Staff who had to answer them). We put a captcha in place temporarily on the login page to prevent such annoying automated attacks. We'll be looking to change to an easier captcha as a more permanent solution. Let this whole episode be a reminder to please use a complex password that is unique to x264.me. Use a secure service like LastPass to help you remember your passes and to help generate them.


jaychousLv.10 发表于 2012-12-7 19:30:50 | 查看全部
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