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Happy birthday Bitsoup we are 8yrs old

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发表于 2012-12-1 10:07:06 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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Every year that Bitsoup has been around so far, we've always celebrated Bitsoup's anniversaries with a bang. Over time Bitsoup has grown into such an amazing place where many share so much more then just torrents alone, that it only seems right to have our very own birthday party every year that the "Bitsoup family" has been together.

This time our party just has to be extra special. This November, Bitsoup is now

8 years old.

On this very special occasion, our congratulations go to all of the Bitsoup community members. Special thanks to all of those who put in their time, care, effort and support, making and keeping Bitsoup the great place that it is today.

This month we celebrate the past, the present as well as the future that we look forward to sharing here with all of you. Our gift to you our members is a 1 time shot of 800gb ratio that has now been added to all accounts user class or higher.

Happy Birthday Bitsoup!


kan_tonyLv.9 发表于 2012-12-1 10:18:26 | 查看全部
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菠萝瑶楼主Lv.9 发表于 2012-12-1 10:30:29 | 查看全部
kan_tony 发表于 2012-12-1 10:18

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