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AceHD Site Issues, Donation and lottery

716 1
发表于 2012-11-28 11:09:35 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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site has been experiencing a few issues where the site has been unreachable for 5-10mins here and there, this is due to data center issues and nothing we can sort ourselfs, the data center has told me this issue should of been sorted but if it hasnt then you know why  but hopefully they have
the downtime hasnt been for long so i guess thats some thing  

just big thanks to those who have donated so far, still a bit short so please help out if you can  only a day or so left, so one last push would really help..

also the lottery is open to buy tickets please click this link: http://acehd.net/tickets.php or click here

tickets cost 100mb each with a max of 100 tickets per user, prize pot will vary depending how many users play and there will be 3 winners draw on 9th of decemeber at 23:59 GMT ... good luck


yingmingdeng 发表于 2012-11-28 12:10:50 | 查看全部
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