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Bitsoup news update

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发表于 2012-11-24 14:53:15 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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As many members now know bitsoup has been under attack over the past 2 weeks. We have taken the steps to harden the site from future attacks best we can. While we know the impact to the members has been rough we would like to ensure our members that we take security of our member user details very seriously.

The MPAA has never since the day we opened our doors been a threat to us for many reasons we will not get into. We know the wankers that attacked us are nothing but brats and no matter what they do we will always come back stronger.  Some accounts have had ratio added to their accounts in an attempt to stop members from donating to the site thinking that is the sole reason members support such a great site like bitsoup.

We have decided not to change any ratio's affected by the attacks as it seems the hacker was giving early xmas gifts away  Enjoy the free credit. On December 1st all members will get 800GB added to their accounts as a bday gift from bitsoup to our great members. As long as account is not in leech group you will be credited the 800GB.  Anyone that needs to top up ratio to get back into good status on bitsoup and into the user class  donations are still possible for the Bitsoup bday Lottery. We have also increasted the timeline of our backups to ensure that any issues that might happen down the road do the least amount of damage possible.

Starting in January 2013 we will be under  taking some major upgrades to the site adding features and tweaking others. The casino will be closing down as of Jan 01 2013 so please use it while you can.

We will also stop using bitsoup.org as our domain in the new year to make it harder for any goverment in usa to take our domain.

Our new domain will be bitsoup.me.

We will provide more updates closer to the change over.

Thank you again from all the Staff @ Bitsoup


xtayrchrLv.10 发表于 2012-11-24 22:07:26 | 查看全部
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