Hey everyone!
The one or other user might have noticed our new video-streaming portal located at http://jpopsuki.tv by now.
It was created for all the Japanese music/video loving people out there since many Japanese music company's do not yet really give a shit about foreigners. With them severely limiting their content on YouTube by region locking their channels, constantly taking down everything uploaded by other users, strong quality or length restrictions on their official channels, they make it hard for anyone to enjoy Japanese music there. Also it is not really feasible to buy a huge amount of the videos on iTunes or other sites - like it is for example possible in Korea with GomTV or such, they are just not available there at all in most cases. Since I for example got into the whole Japanese music world because of those fantastic, high quality and well produced music videos in the first place, I think it's a great way to get new people into this as well... but how else than streaming?
This is also a reason why this site is limited to Japanese content. Korean material for example is very well available on YouTube, very often in FullHD or you can get the videos from GomTV and other sites, also in fantastic quality. JPopsuki allowing you to upload that material, often in an inferior quality, would be more then redundant.
While the site and it's options may be limited, it's a nice community driven portal with decent quality, embedding and sharing options and overall nice usability. There is obviously still a lot of room for improvement but the source code of the portal is encrypted which makes modifying it impossible. A licence for an unencrypted version of the software currently runs at 3000 so it's at the moment impossible to acquire that and we have to live with what is currently offered.
But either way, go ahead and explore the site, register a new account there (registration is only necessary if you want to upload, comment or rate videos - registrations will always stay open) and have fun. Maybe you add some video's there as well or just show them to your friends.