Requirement 1 (Mandatory): Download 20 Gigabytes-下载20G-必修
Requirement 2 (Select one from the three options below):三选一
Option 1. Upload 15 Gigabytes-上传15G
Option 2. Average seeding time (4 days)-平均保种4天
Option 3. Have more than 25 torrents that you seeded more than 6 months. The seeded torrents must be download within the last three years.-24个超过6个月做种时间的种子,三年内下载的The assessment applies to User and Power User members only.-user和pu才要考
VIP, Elite User, and above members are free to the assessment. 1) Promote to Elite User or above.
2) Promote to VIP through $20 donation.-捐了吧...... In addition, User and Power User members which requested parking status be