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awesome-hd 免费?

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发表于 2012-10-19 04:38:59 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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刚进站看到这个,万圣节这个洋人节我也不懂,谁来看看怎么了{:7_751:}疑似 有免费

All the Tricks You Pick, All the Treats You'll Get... - posted 1 day, 14 hours ago
Get ready for a [size=1.75em]FreeLeech Terrorthon! Ahhhhhhh!!


What atrocities are you afraid of? The dark? You're all alone and you look up, "did I see something?" You say this to yourself all the while dismissing the thought. But you wonder, could it be? You reach to turn on the light...

Could it be Mr. Myers with a kitchen knife? Or that everloving, machete carrying son named Jason. Will it be Krueger's finger blades that are going to get ya tonight!?

You tell us, we want you to let it all out for this Halloween, which movies scare you the most. The ones that you are afraid to watch by yourself, let alone in the dark. Creepy, Spine-tingling, Panic inducing movies that you love to watch and hate yourself after because they still frighten you no matter how many times you see them.

Come, come you ghouls, ghoulettes and the walking dead among us. Dig through the ditches, burn through the witches to find your dreaded & favourite scream fest movies you want us to summon for a Halloween FreeLeech Terrorthon.

  • Each member is allowed a maximum of 5 terrifying & evil movies for their list (even in this Awesome Hell, there are limits).

  • As the midnight hour approaches on the eve, we will select the most popular ones you listed (those available onsite at the time) & make them all a FreeLeech Treat for this Hallows' Eve.

Our Internal Encoders & Remuxers have been slaving and bloodletting over the last several weeks by releasing some of the greatest horror & thriller movies ever. Some of them have gone into hiding for the scare was too much. So as that deathly hour nears, don't look back, get on with your list or die trying. Muwhahaha


Poster created by JoeMoore for AHD. © 2012



miqilingLv.6 发表于 2012-10-19 05:19:32 来自手机 | 查看全部
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p2pnsceneLv.4 发表于 2012-10-19 07:39:45 | 查看全部
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江南雨巷@2Lv.8 发表于 2012-10-19 08:49:54 | 查看全部
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江南雨巷@2Lv.8 发表于 2012-10-19 08:50:26 | 查看全部
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菠萝瑶Lv.9 发表于 2012-10-19 09:00:18 | 查看全部
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