1 and half month ago we only had 1.47 Million peers and now we are aboutto HIT 2 Million peers. It's all because of our new hit and run System.Now our torrents will remain active longer so our new members coulddownload and enjoy it.
IPT is getting stronger every day.
You may have noticed the downtime yesterday, but it was for a good reason!
We are very pleased to inform all members that IPTorrents has received a well deserved upgrade.
We are now running on the best available equipment that is currently on the market in regards to CPU and FUSION-IO ioDrive2 Duo.
We have taken the generous contributions from our loyal members and haveput forth our best efforts to ensure that IPTorrents remains stable andrunning at top quality 24/7.
We appreciate your patience while we continue to make improvementsdaily! Please understand that while we are updating bugs will appearand things will not work properly, but be assured that everything willbe addressed and IPTorrents will be running the best it ever has.
We would like to thank all of the members for their loyalty andcommitment to keeping IPTorrents safe, clean and blazing fast! Withoutyour support and contributions, none of this would be possible.
P.S: Don't judge us because of our new Hit and Run system, we know whatwe are doing and what our plans are. To be exact, please watch the shortvideo clip :P