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wh@t [Event] The Tracker of Terror Contest

1060 2
发表于 2012-10-10 03:49:19 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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Some don't believe in the darkness. Many of you are content to live your lives in willful ignorance of the evil lurking around you. Lurking in your closets. Lurking beneath your beds. Lurking in your silverware drawers. Lurking on your streets. Lurking - always lurking - until now.

Recent reports suggest that this year's Halloween is expected to be especially malevolent. We're talking babies kidnapped by angry spectral seniors-malevolent. We're talking blood running in rivers-malevolent. We're talking save your families from the creeping blackness that threatens to encircle your entire world-malevolent. In short: while we fully recommend that generating a healthy addiction to candy should be top priority this season, there might be some value in getting protection against the terrors which threaten your very existence.

Toward this end, we've prepared three contests designed to help ward off the lamiae, whispering ghosts, collection agents and undead mobsters coming to a town...near you. Each contest will result in three winners. Each contest has a different conclusion date, so read the rules carefully. Participate today and rest soundly with the knowledge that you've done your part. Good luck, What-warriors. You'll need it.


All Hallows' Evening quickly approaches, and our loveable mascot has nothing to wear. It's up to you to help Rippy blend into the teeming mass of evil, lest the bitter ghouls and snarling goblins rend the very information from his spiral grooves. All you must do to save Rippy's life is dress him in a costume of your design, and post your submission in this thread. The garb best suited to helping Rippy evade the children of the night will be chosen by us. On Halloween, Rippy will don this costume like armor, and he might even have thanks to offer his personal designer.


Look outside. The days begin to chill, the nights darken, the graves tremble and the covens stir. Perhaps, walking alone beneath the moon, you'll be one of the 10,309 unsuspecting victims a well-known international consortium recently estimated would be captured by renegade zombies, vampires and witches this year, to say nothing of the 1,349 hapless individuals who will almost certainly be mauled to death by werewolves.

While there's little we here at What.CD can do to protect those who lack vigilance, there's a great deal we can do to protect anyone willing to heed the truth and take the necessary precautions. Listen closely: to save yourselves and this website from every creeping beast with a taste for blood, we're asking you to carve and light an army of jack-o'-lanterns. Don't fail us.


So you've protected Rippy (What.CD's spirit animal), and you've ringed your cottage with fierce, glowing squash warriors to fend off the threats which seek your sleeping bones. We commend you for your efforts thus far. Of course, we shouldn't get ahead of ourselves: you know as well as we that Halloween requires each and every one of us to recklessly travel forth into the gaping maw of destruction and return none the worse for wear (drunkenness and mini Snickers bar sickness excluded). Quests like these are what growing up is all about.

To reward those of you who can best mix with the demons and dangers, we're holding a costume contest. Impress us with your costumes, be they scary, spooky, sexy, humorous, edible or some combination thereof. Your disguise will be exalted, standing as an example to future generations of how to walk into the bear trap of evil and come back with two unscathed ankles.



ErikaMoriLv.6 发表于 2012-10-10 07:33:30 | 查看全部
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2PT000qLv.10 发表于 2012-10-10 09:11:39 | 查看全部
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