In response to members' concerns over complexity of our freeleech options ( both NEUTRAL and FREE torrents) particularly in regard to HD, Soaps and Sports, and to ensure better use of these options to make it fairer to the maximum number of members, staff have revised their policy on the classification of FREE and NEUTRAL torrents.
These changes aim to help clarify what content IS and IS NOT NEUTRAL or FREE and to fairly police any abuses of the freeleech systems (both hit & running and overseeding).
Effective from midnight GMT Sunday 7th October 2012, certain shows will no longer be FREE, some will be reclassed as NEUTRAL or will revert to normal, while some additional shows will now become FREE or NEUTRAL.
This will have an effect on how members seed FREE torrents to gain ratio credit, and RSS users may need to change settings.
These changes will, inevitably, provoke some complaints but we trust members will realize the necessity for action. We have tried to both clarify and maximise the freeleech options available, rather than a serving a minority, and hope you support staff during the changeover.