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The What.CD End of Summer Store Update: 2012

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发表于 2012-9-15 21:52:00 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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本帖最后由 frankwangqiang 于 2012-9-15 22:07 编辑

Since the summer is winding down, we thought it might be nice to inject some happiness into your life with a good old What.CD Online Store update.

We're pleased to announce our latest limited edition design: 'This is My Jam!' by P1um. Some of you may remember this design's first appearance in our inaugural apparel design contest. We loved it so much that we worked with P1um to bring it to the masses. If the imminent loss of warm weather has you down, there's absolutely no way Jammy can't cheer you up. I mean, look at that smile. Please remember that limited edition items will not be reprinted; this inventory represents your only chance to get your hands on this stellar garb.

Second, we've swapped our sale items; achifari's 'Original Release' and vulgarbulgar's 'The What Network' shirts have had their prices slashed, and now is the perfect time to pick them up if you've been saving dough. What.CD likes to cater to the opportunists out there, so please enjoy the duds.

Finally, it's worth mentioning in this space that myliu4's amazing 'Download Mug' has flown off the shelves, and maintaining stock has been difficult to say the least! At this time we'd like to apologize for any shipping delays. We've been working with the fine fellows over at Port Merchandise to sort any issues, and the scoop is as follows: the first mug delivery from the printing facility was unfortunately delayed, and sold so quickly that we had to place another delivery right away. This delivery also wound up being slightly delayed, but all shipments should be close to being met at this point. We ask for your patience and understanding, and want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your help in supporting the site! While we will occasionally suffer a snag like this (it's a small operation), we promise to remain dedicated to providing you with the best experience we can deliver both on-site and in-store.

If you have any questions about the store or ordering process, check out the TWOS FAQ document. Without further ado, enjoy!

(An additional note: our Summer of Style CSS Contest has been extended until October 19th, 2012 (23:59). This is a great opportunity for you to contribute to the site in a lasting way, and we are trying to get more submissions! The best submissions have a chance of getting officially adopted by the site. What's more: you can win glorious swag! Enter now!)

我们很高兴地宣布我们的最新限量版的设计:“这是我的果酱!” P1um。有些人可能还记得第一次出现在我们的首届服装设计大赛设计的。我们喜欢它,以至于我们与P1um工作,将其带到群众。如果即将失去温暖的天气有你,但绝对没有办法轻易的不能让你高兴起来。我的意思是,看看那笑容。请记住,限量版的项目将不会重新打印清单代表你唯一的机会,在此恒星的外衣,让你的手。

其次,我们交换我们出售的物品; achifari的“原始版本”和vulgarbulgar的“网络衬衫的价格下调,现在是一个完美的时间来接他们,如果你已经保存的面团。 What.CD喜欢照顾有机会主义,所以请享受哑弹。


如果您有任何疑问,商店或订购过程中,检查出的TWOS FAQ文档。事不宜迟,享受!




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