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发表于 2012-8-17 08:10:34 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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[size=1.5em]A Brief Summer Update

Hi folks. We just wanted to thank you all for helping make the summer update such a fun event. It seems to have gone off without a hitch, and many of you have shown your support either in the various threads we've established or by purchasing items in [url=http://anonym.to/?http://whatstore.portmerch.com]the store[/url]. Your assistance is invaluable and will help fund the site for many months to come. Expect new swag shortly. We love you.

  • The Limited Edition 'Music on the Internet' Shirt: This shirt flew off the racks. As of the time of this writing, we're mostly sold out. Additional thanks to neebs for producing such a popular design! All that remains are Women's Sizes. Female sizes are something we had requested of us many times, so hopefully the remaining shirts get purchased by those who were interested in making sure we stocked them. If you're not a woman, consider purchasing one for your Mom. She'll love it.
  • Shipping Times: Shipping for orders without mugs will begin on Monday, the 20th of August according to our printer and distributor. Orders including mugs will begin being shipped late in the week, as our mug delivery (printed at a separate facility) was delayed. Rest assured that your order will be coming to you shortly.
  • Contests: We want to take this moment to remind you that we have two awesome contests taking place right now, as information about them was slightly buried in our massive announcement:

The Summer of Style CSS Contest - One Month Duration - This contest is being run by Ajax and our development team, and in it we're asking users to create the best stylesheets they can throughout the next month. Winners will receive merchandise, freeleech tokens, front page picks and more. We want to see some truly stylish submissions. Make it so!

The What.CD Online Store Limited Edition Contest - Ongoing - This contest is all about producing limited edition content for the store. We're accepting finished designs which haven't been used in other contests, and we'll be picking a winner roughly every month. The contest will never close, and all submissions will permanently remain in the running. Winners get free swag featuring their design, so participate now! We only have a few submissions thus far, and we'd like to see this number explode.

(Discuss this post here)
明月夜人断肠 可知否谁思量
到流寇家串门点 这里
2012-3-23 13:10:40
CHD邀请  Fighting HDW


kan_tonyLv.9 发表于 2012-8-17 08:12:26 | 查看全部
...what sells what
发表于 2012-8-17 08:41
buy is keiyi,bu bought is keiyi 2.  详情 回复
发表于 2012-8-17 08:41
管他卖啥反正俺是不准备买  详情 回复
发表于 2012-8-17 08:35
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使用道具 举报

落埖涙尐柒Lv.9 发表于 2012-8-17 08:49:52 | 查看全部
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wangjian167@2Lv.9 发表于 2012-8-17 09:11:39 | 查看全部

感谢老大啊  详情 回复
发表于 2012-8-17 11:04
楼下一看就不懂翻译的精髓呀  详情 回复
发表于 2012-8-17 09:24
这也叫翻译,原文没有happy 都能翻译一个happy 出来,不认识happy 的汉人泪目  详情 回复
发表于 2012-8-17 09:17

咸恩静李章宇 Fighting!
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5211314Lv.8 发表于 2012-8-17 11:04:32 | 查看全部
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