The site hasn’t only changed its ratio system. We’re digging a little deeper. There will be several big changes coming to the site in the near future. One of those changes will be a revamp of the User Class system. We’re tired of the same ol’ in-and-out. We need something new. Something fresh when it comes to rewarding users with promotions and goodie bags for being damned fine members of the community. In an effort to find out what the users think, we’re reaching out to you all in an open forum to discuss just what these new user classes should be. Should they be strictly regimented and draconian? Should they be loosely representative of a user’s overall contribution to the site? Or should we just put a big birthday hat on people from time to time and call it good. This is what we need to discuss. So, we’re taking suggestions.
1) What should the new user classes be?
2) What are the pros/cons?
3) What permissions would they have? Rewards for promotions?
4) How would such a system benefit the site?
5) What kind of comics-related names for user classes can you think of? An Iron Man class? Perhaps a mutant power level class system? Time to get creative.
But that’s not all! If you’ve read this far, you’re interested. So, here’s the good stuff: we’re taking suggestions for some other things, as well.
1) Would a carat of any other name taste as good? Give them a different name and find out! All suggestions for renaming the carat system will be considered.
2) What’s that? You want new merchandise? Tell us what you’d like to see in the Carat Shop and we just might add it!
3) Donors deserve a little something extra. Are you a donor? What kind of prizes would be available?