站点介绍:以移动设备的资源为主,包含电影 电视剧! 注意事项及体会:
无蓝种,全是黑的 Further Detail
If your ratio does not meet the standards required for the amount you've downloaded and the length of time you've been on the site, you will be put on ratio watch. Ratio watch means that your ability to download will be automatically disabled. You will however be able to continue seeding torrents that you have already completed.
Everyone gets to download their first 5GB before ratio watch kicks in. If you've been a member for less than 2 weeks, ratio watch doesn't kick in until the 15GB barrier.
The ratio watch system is completely automatic, and cannot be altered by staff.
Donor Members are not subject to the restrictions of ratio watch as long as they have an active Donor Membership.
Members on Ratio Watch may become Donor Members to continue downloading, however if their ratio does not improve they will be returned to ratio watch as soon as the Donor Membership period expires.
To keep a good ratio members should start by checking the help section of the site where there are several ratio related items, including a connectivity checker (the most important thing for keeping a good ratio), and then browse the forums where there are many topics related to improving and maintaining ratio.
Other S
Amount downloaded
Minimum ratio
Extra info
Initial grace period for all users
Does not apply if you've been a member for less than two weeks
Ratio watch starts applying here even if you've been a member for less than 2 weeks
Golden Rules
Do not defy the expressed wishes of the staff.
Access to this website is a privilege, not a right, and it can be taken away from you for any reason.
Staff decisions are final. Arguing about our decisions is hazardous for your account.
One account per person per lifetime. Anyone creating additional accounts will be banned.
Avatars must be safe for work, non-**ographic or semi-**ographic, and not even slightly offensive. Use common sense.
Do not post our .torrent files on other sites. Every .torrent file has your personal passkey embedded in it. The tracker will automatically disable your account if you share your torrent files with others. You will not get your account back. This doesn't include staff posting passkeyless torrents (non-working) to indexing sites for promotional purposes.
This is a torrent site which promotes sharing amongst the community. If you are not willing to give back to the community what you take from it, this site is not for you. In other words, we expect you to have an acceptable share ratio. If you download a torrent, please, seed the copy you have until there are sufficient people seeding as well before you stop.
Trading, selling or offering invites in public is strictly prohibited, and will get you permanently banned.
Trading, selling, sharing, or giving away your account is prohibited as well. Delete it if you no longer want it.
You're completely responsible for the people you invite. If your invitees are caught cheating or trading/selling invites, not only will they be banned, so will you. Be careful who you invite. Invites are a precious commodity.
Attempting to find or exploit a bug in the site code is the worst possible offense you can commit. We have automatic systems in place for monitoring these activities, and committing them will result in the banning of you, your inviter, and your inviter's entire invite tree.
We're a community. Working together is what makes this place what it is. There are many new torrents uploaded every day and sadly the staff aren't psychic. If you come across something which violates a rule, or otherwise does not meet our standards,report it! Ignoring it is only damaging the community.
We respect the wishes of other sites here, as we wish for them to do the same. Please refrain from posting links or full names of sites that want not to be mentioned.