We've had reports of a user sending mass Private Messages, inviting users to a 'new torrent Tracker', bitsense.org.
Our Comunity Recommend our new torrent tracker: http://bitsense.org !
It is a general 0-day tracker with over 25k users !
Please join us now !
NOTICE: This is a mass pm, it has been sent to everyone
I would advice everyone to not register, it's most likely used as a phishing site, gathering personal info/email/pw etc.
If you already did, make sure you didn't give out information that can be used elsewhere... and if you did, change them.
My two cents.
PS: Thanks for the reports.
NOTICE: This is a mass pm, it has been sent to the following classes: PEASANT, USER, POWER_USER, ELITE_USER, VIP, ELITE_VIP, HONORED_MEMBER