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PixelHD: Achievements and Trophies

962 3
发表于 2012-6-16 23:33:58 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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Well, we've had an eventful past 2 weeks, we've had some users banned from another site (all of staff as well) for some strange, unforeseen reason. And I said we have something special planned to make up for that. So here it is.

We are giving everyone a special little area to keep track of and attain 'Achievements and Trophies'.

So What are 'Trophies'?

Trophies are earned based on your site stats, how much you've downloaded, uploaded, torrents you've snatched, comments you've made on site, how many hashtags you've made, or how many mentions. It's all completely based on your participation on site and IRC.

We encourage community participation, so this will give everyone a few special little items to signify that you are a community participant and enjoy this site as well as enjoy the company here.

What are 'Achievements'?

This one is what we are most excited about, because as far as we know, no one has anything like this. (As far as we know). Achievements are strictly torrent based and they are unlocked when you download a certain torrent or torrents. For example (this one isn't active). Say if you were to download the entire James Bond collection, you would unlock an achievement downloading the entire collection, which would be signified on your profile page under achievements.

A nice little icon would then light up and tell you why you earned it and tell other users why it was earned. As of right now they are masked out if you haven't earned them, so user participation in the forums is required if you want to obtain them all cause you will have to discuss what the silhouettes look like in order to find all the achievements and complete your collection.

When you do unlock something, you will be PM'd informing you that you have. So you won't need to constantly check your page to see if you have, unless you just enjoy looking at the pretty icons.

We only have a few achievements up as of right now, but more are coming very soon, we want to have quite a few on site, since there are quite a few movies on site. Each achievement can range from a single movie to multiple movies, to specific movies with specific qualifications like a certain director, etc. It just all depends on what was specified, and once earned you will know why you earned it.

We hope everyone enjoys this little feature, and expect more changes, features, and tweaks to the site in the coming weeks. Good luck achievement hunting and trophy collecting.

P.S. If you have already downloaded a few torrents you may notice a few achievements already unlocked, just depends on the torrents you have downloaded, also your trophies will populate shortly.


pl_014Lv.8 发表于 2012-6-17 10:20:46 | 查看全部
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doitbyeoc 发表于 2012-6-17 11:02:54 | 查看全部
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goshi 发表于 2012-6-19 16:49:53 | 查看全部
Thanks for info ~
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