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[盒子/seedbox] Ubuntu下的PT客户端,安装汇总

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发表于 2012-5-10 17:41:30 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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本帖最后由 genab 于 2012-5-10 18:06 编辑


rTorrent SVN version
Deluge 1.3


genab楼主Lv.9 发表于 2012-5-10 17:49:00 | 查看全部
本帖最后由 genab 于 2012-5-10 17:52 编辑

Here are the steps to install Transdroid when you use rTorrent on Ubuntu:
Compiling and installing rTorrent
For the ideal rTorrent/Transdroid set-up, we need to compile a fresh new version with support for 64-bit integers. A word of warning: rTorrent is primarily for the advanced Linux user. However, I hope this guide will help you through the whole process. A lot is taken from the excellent install guide for wTorrent, a web UI for rTorrent.
First install the necessary dependencies:
  1. sudo apt-get install subversion build-essential libtool automake1.9 openssl libcurl3 libcurl3-dev libsigc++-2.0-0c2a libsigc++-2.0-dev libncurses5 libncurses5-dev libcppunit-dev

I also assume you have a running Lighttpd or Apache webserver. Now, make a working directory and change into it…
  1. mkdir build
  2. cd build

We need xmlrpc-c and xmlrpc-c-dev of version 1.07 or higher. The minimum Ubuntu version that has these is Natty, so if you are running an older version we get the .deb files manually from the Ubuntu packages site: libxmlrpc-c3-0 and libxmlrpc-c3-dev are needed and availble for i386 and amd64. Choose the packages for your architecture and place them in the working directory. Install it using aptitude. Remember to adjust the file names to your downloaded .debs:
  1. sudo apt-get dpkg -i libxmlrpc-c3-0_1.16.32-0ubuntu3_amd64.deb
  2. sudo apt-get dpkg -i libxmlrpc-c3-dev_1.16.32-0ubuntu3_amd64.deb

Time to install libTorrent and rTorrent. Download the latest version of both from their homepage. Adjust the file names accordingly in the next compile/install commands:
  1. tar xvzf libtorrent-0.12.6.tar.gz
  2. cd libtorrent-0.12.6
  3. ./autogen
  4. ./configure
  5. make
  6. sudo make install
  7. cd ..
  8. tar xvzf rtorrent-0.8.6.tar.gz
  9. cd rtorrent-0.8.6
  10. ./autogen.sh
  11. ./configure --with-xmlrpc-c
  12. make
  13. sudo make install
  14. cd ..

If the compiling was successful, rTorrent should now be installed and ready to use. You may try it by running ‘rtorrent’. To exit the program press Ctrl+Q. The next step is to enable the RPC functionality of rTorrent. Since I assume here we have a fresh install, you should first get aconfiguration file. Download it from the rTorrent website and place it in your home dir, renaming it to .rtorrent.rc:
  1. wget http://libtorrent.rakshasa.no/ex ... ent/doc/rtorrent.rc
  2. mv rtorrent.rc ~/.rtorrent.rcYou need to add the following two lines to that configuration file:scgi_port =
  3. xmlrpc_dialect=i8

To also protect incoming connections on this SCGI port, we’ll password-protect it in the next step.
The last step is to configure the web server. Lighttpd and Apache with mod_scgi are supported. I have not tested it with Lighttpd myself, but the install instructions are here. For apache you need to install and enable mod_scgi support first:
  1. sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-scgi
  2. sudo a2enmod scgi

You might get warnings that you already installed/enabled this. That’s okay of course. Next you need to add the SCGI mount for rTorrent. Open up /etc/apache2/sites-available/default with superuser rights, for example:
  1. gksudo gedit /etc/apache2/sites-available/default &

And add the following lines at the near-end of the document, just before the line that says ‘</VirtualHost>’:
  1. SCGIMount /RPC2
  2. <location /RPC2>
  3. AuthName "rTorrent secure access"
  4. AuthType Basic
  5. AuthBasicProvider file
  6. AuthUserFile /home/yourusername/Documents/rtorrent-htpasswd
  7. Require user yourusername
  8. </location>

Of course you replace ‘yourusername‘ with your own username. I named the password file (we will be creating that next) rtorrent-htpasswd and placed the file in my Documents dir, but you are free to place it anywhere you like and call it differently. Indeed that’s what we do here; set the password for your user:
  1. htpasswd -c /home/yourusername/Documents/rtorrent-htpasswd yourusername

You may want to install wTorrent as well. Since you already have a rTorrent set-up with XML-RPC this isn’t very hard. You can get it from the wTorrent website.
Restart your webserver now to activate all the changes:
  1. sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

We’re done! Remember that you always need to have rtorrent running to be able to connect to it using Transdroid. Since rTorrent does not run as a daemon, you may want to use screen to start and control remote session of rTorrent.


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genab楼主Lv.9 发表于 2012-5-10 17:56:26 | 查看全部
Here are the steps to install Transdroid when you use Deluge on Ubuntu:
Compiling and installing Deluge
The support for Deluge in Transdroid is limited to the new Deluge 1.2 version. Unfortunately, this isn’t officially released yet so we need to compile and install it ourselves. The instructions therefore are taken from the Deluge website. (Don’t like compiling yourself? These is also a Launchpad PPA repository that provides a .deb package.)
The first thing you need to do is get the latest Deluge code from their development SVN server. Open a command line and check out the code:
  1. svn checkout http://svn.deluge-torrent.org/trunk deluge

If you need to update the installation later on your can use the ‘svn update’ command to get the latest version, before recompiling and installing the project.
Before compiling get all the dependencies for the project. The following command should get them all, but depending on your machine’s installation you may need more. The official list of dependencies can be found on the Deluge website.
  1. sudo apt-get install build-essential python-all-dev python-all python-support libboost-dev libboost-thread-dev libboost-date-time-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-serialization-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-regex-dev zlib1g-dev libssl-dev

Now we can compile the code and install it on our system:
  1. python setup.py clean -a
  2. python setup.py build
  3. sudo python setup.py install

You can now run the application by starting both the daemon and the web interface.
  1. deluged
  2. deluge-web &

I use the & at the end of the command to run the web UI disconnected from the terminal we are working in.
You should now test if the web UI works. Open your browser and go to http://localhost:8112/. It will ask for a password, which is ‘deluge’ by default. Next you need to connect to the running deluged daemon.

If you want to change the web UI password or the default port number 8112, click on ‘Preferences’ in the top bar and open the ‘Interface’ tab.
Remember that you always need to have both the deluged and deluge-web running and that the web UI is always connected to the deamon.

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genab楼主Lv.9 发表于 2012-5-10 17:58:20 | 查看全部
本帖最后由 genab 于 2012-5-10 18:13 编辑

Here are the steps to install Transdroid when you use μTorrent on Ubuntu:
Setting up μTorrent
It may seem strange to run μTorrent on Ubuntu since it is only available for Windows and Mac OS X. However, it runs very well using Wine on Ubuntu and since it is such a popular, fast and lightweight client it can still be a good alternative. Note however, that you will always need a running graphical front-end with an μTorrent instance.
μTorrent can be downloaded from the official website. Both the 1.8.x version and the new 2.0 beta should work. If you do not have Wine installed on Ubuntu, please do so first, by starting package installer with ‘Applications -> Add/Remove…’, selecting the ‘Wine’ package and applying this change. If you are used to using a terminal, run this command:
  1. sudo apt-get install wine

Now, you can start μTorrent by right-clicking on the downloaded executable and choosing ‘Open with “Wine Windows Program Loader”‘. If you have downloaded the μTorrent installer version, you can also first install the software using Wine, with which you also get menu items in the ‘Applications’ menu.

The next step is to enable the web UI. Go to ‘Options -> Preferences’ and select the ‘Web UI’ tab. Here, check the ‘Enable Web UI‘ box and make up some name and password. I advise to check the ‘Alternative listening port’ box as well and set it to port number 8080. Remember the username, password and port number, because we need them later on.

You should now test if the web UI works. Open your browser and go to http://localhost:8080/gui(assuming you indeed used port 8080). It will ask for your username and password. If you do not see the web UI or can’t log in, go back to the program to check you settings.
Remember that you always leave the application running to allow Transdroid to connect to it.


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genab楼主Lv.9 发表于 2012-5-10 18:00:20 | 查看全部
本帖最后由 genab 于 2012-5-10 18:02 编辑


This tutorial is in no way a complete setup of a server. It is ONLY for rtorrent/rutorrent in Ubuntu 11.10 - x86/x64, but might work in Ubuntu 11.04 as well. Maybe even the new Ubuntu 12.04 LTS...it would be nice. :)

First we want to compile in rTorrent because the version in Ubuntu Karmic is only 0.8.2 which doesnt work nicely with newest version of ruTorrent.
  1. sudo apt-get install subversion build-essential libtool automake1.11 openssl libcurl3 libcurl3-dev libsigc++-2.0-0c2a libsigc++-2.0-dev libncurses5 libncurses5-dev php-xml-rss libxmlrpc-c3-0 libxmlrpc-c3-dev rtorrent
Now to make the .rtorrent.rc file which should be in the home folder of the user running rtorrent
  1. cd ~/
  2. nano .rtorrent.rc
Paste this in
  1. # Maximum and minimum number of peers to connect to per torrent.
  2. min_peers = 100
  3. max_peers = 200
  4. # Same as above but for seeding completed torrents (-1 = same as downloading)
  5. min_peers_seed = 10
  6. max_peers_seed = 500
  7. # Maximum number of simultanious uploads per torrent.
  8. max_uploads = 200
  9. # Global upload and download rate in KiB. "0" for unlimited.
  10. download_rate = 0
  11. upload_rate = 0
  12. # Default directory to save the downloaded torrents.
  13. directory = ~//torrents/downloads
  14. # Default session directory.
  15. session = ~//torrents/rtorrent.session
  16. # Watch a directory for new torrents, restart torrents that have been copied back and stop those that have been
  17. # deleted.
  18. schedule = watch_directory,10,10,"load_start=~//torrents/torrentfiles/*.torrent"
  19. schedule = tied_directory,10,10,start_tied=
  20. schedule = untied_directory,10,10,close_untied=
  21. # Close torrents when diskspace is low.
  22. schedule = low_diskspace,5,60,close_low_diskspace=100M
  23. #Stop torrents when reaching upload ratio 300 percent
  24. ratio.enable= ratio.min.set=300
  25. # Port range to use for listening.
  26. port_range = 63001-63001
  27. # Start opening ports at a random position within the port range.
  28. port_random = no
  29. # Set whetever the client should try to connect to UDP trackers.
  30. use_udp_trackers = no
  31. # Encryption options. This can be useful when using an ISP that uses traffic shaping.
  32. encryption=allow_incoming,try_outgoing,enable_retr y,prefer_plaintext
  33. scgi_port =
  34. xmlrpc_dialect=i8
  35. #DHT
  36. dht = disable
  37. #dht_port = 6881
  38. peer_exchange = no
You MUST change the red highlighted area to the user on your server. All other options can be set to however you want such as min/max peers, dht, peer exchange, etc...This is set to what I use on 100 Mbit servers.
Now we need to activate scgi support in Apache 2
  1. sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-scgi
  2. sudo a2enmod scgi
Next you need to add the SCGI mount for rTorrent First open sites-available for editing
  1. sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/default
Paste the red highlighted area at the bottom just above <VirtualHost>
<location /RPC2>
<Limit GET POST>
order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from
allow from
allow from

Now we need to restart Apache 2
  1. sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
  2. Now download ruTorrent and move this folder to /var/www
  3. wget http://rutorrent.googlecode.com/file...ent-3.3.tar.gz
  4. tar xvzf rutorrent-3.3.tar.gz
  5. sudo mv rutorrent /var/www/rtorrent
You need to change the ownership of the directory of rtorrent in /var/www to the user you will be using
  1. sudo chown -R <your user>:www-data /var/www/rtorrent
Make sure you add your username where it is highlighted in red.
Now we’re ready to start rtorrent with the selected user. Login with your normal user and run
  1. rtorrent
Now you can login to http://<your servers IP>/rtorrent
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hayu187Lv.8 发表于 2012-5-10 18:26:04 | 查看全部
顶起  收藏了
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流寇Lv.10 发表于 2012-5-10 18:28:38 | 查看全部
很给力 不过 好像图片有点小了……
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genab楼主Lv.9 发表于 2012-5-10 18:31:21 | 查看全部
流寇 发表于 2012-5-10 18:28
很给力 不过 好像图片有点小了……

发表于 2012-5-10 18:32
明白了  详情 回复
发表于 2012-5-10 18:32
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隐身用户Lv.10 发表于 2012-5-10 19:28:22 | 查看全部
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skychat@2Lv.6 发表于 2012-12-22 17:59:31 | 查看全部
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zousandian 发表于 2013-2-24 18:44:32 | 查看全部
本帖最后由 zousandian 于 2013-2-24 18:45 编辑

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lislee2001Lv.10 发表于 2013-2-25 08:51:40 | 查看全部
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lyzpokemonLv.3 发表于 2013-2-25 09:05:11 | 查看全部
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tiger1997 发表于 2013-3-1 16:53:06 | 查看全部
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啊三小哥哥Lv.5 发表于 2013-3-2 19:19:42 | 查看全部
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con_filterLv.5 发表于 2013-4-8 12:07:28 | 查看全部
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lizheng1989@2Lv.6 发表于 2013-5-30 01:08:10 | 查看全部
genab 发表于 2012-5-10 17:56
Deluge/UbuntuHere are the steps to install Transdroid when you use Deluge on Ubuntu:Compiling and in ...

python: can't open file 'setup.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

Looking For HDBits.org
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