For a lot of us school is finishing up and we'll be away from the hallowed halls of our educational institutions all summer. That's absolutely no excuse to stop learning, so this month PassThePopcorn is going to focus on Documentary films, so that everyone can stuff their brains full of celluloid factoids and not rot away our synapses over the long, lazy summer!
(PS:这里的celluloid factoids不知何解)
All uploads tagged with the genre "DOCUMENTARY" will receive 24 hour freeleech, and they'll all count toward your total on the leaderboard.
Post your uploads in the contest thread, if you do the entry bonus is 10k!
This month SeedMyBox has gone above and beyond, not only will the winner receive a 1GB VPS, not only will second place receive a 2012 Platinum Seedbox, but they've now donated a 2011 Platinum Seedbox for 3rd and 2010 GOLD SEEDBOX FOR A RANDOM PERSON WHO FINISHES IN THE TOP 50!!