It has come to our attention more and more lately that a large number of members are using methods which they have found to there advantage again to get the round the minimum seed/HNR system.
This practice involves not downloading all the files from a torrent leaving the NF0 or Sample ,screenys, etc out of the download .
This at the moment results in a incomplete file to our system and results in a N/A reading in our system ,hence people stop seeding straight away and wont get a warning or a seed time reading,unless manually check every user some can get away with this.
This is being rectified by our coder who is working on a new hack to combat this.
In the meantime we are asking everone to download all the file ,Samples ,NF0 etc till this is done.
There are users who are doing this inoccently as they dont desire or want some of those items ,but unfortunatly theres always a few bad eggs who want to spoil it for everybody ,so we are asking you the good members to bear with us and help us untill the hack has been completed and we can weed these bad members out