Today we release to you a new feature that will better manage our intake of new users.
We call them Invite Codes!
What are these invite codes you ask? Well lets say you're a low userclass and don't have access to send full invites. What can you do now when all your friends want access to the amazing BTN!?
Thats where Invite Codes come in, you generate a code, give it to a friend and they may go for a closed interview with staff. We can then check out your friend and invite them for you if they qualify!
All they must do is provide proof of another tracker and answer a few questions. How simple is that?!
For now, nobody has any invite codes, as we are still beta testing the interview system, but we should have it ready within the next few days.
You may check out how many codes you have on the normal invite page - user.php?action=invite
The only userclasses that can send full invites are Masters and above.
EDIT - Interviews are now OPEN. Send your friends an interview code!