1. No torrent will automatically be Free Leech or 2xFree
2. Torrents larger than 40GB will automatically be 30% Leech.
3. For the torrents are disk image cloned by the uploader himself, if the torrent is smaller than 800MB, it will become 2X up, otherwise will become Free Leech. (Need Application to the Moderators)
4. For the torrents are dvdrip/bdrip which is encoded by uploader himself, the torrents will become 50% Leech and 2X up. (Need Application to the Moderators)
5. The price of the point goody "Custom Title!" changes to 5000 points; The price of the point goody "Rebirth Magic" changes to 30000 points. And, DO NOT USE any insulting or offensive wording, or the words of user classes.
6. These updates will come into effect from December 10.