The holidays are just around the corner and this year is ending soon but even with
only a little of 2011 left, we offer this draw to those that support Bitsoup and
look forward to sharing 2012 on Bitsoup with you.
At the end of this draw we will surprise 3 of Bitsoups supporters by giving away
3x 2012gb Upload Credits with 3 Months VIP status
to start off a whole new year of sharing.
Support Bitsoup and become a VIP...
Donate $15 and get:
- 350gb upload credit
- 1 month of VIP status, including the donor star.
- The ability to upload torrents.
- Access to Bitsoups VIP forum.
- Access to Bitsoups Arcade.
- Pick a Custom Title.
- 1 Automatic Support draw entry