chmmr 发表于 2011-11-25 21:47
why should we waste resources for users that do not help community at all?
can u tell me what's the meaning of help community,just download and upload?He doesn't give me the chance,he disable me.don't ask why not download before u are disabled?because it has been a fact,no one wants to be disabled if i know before.这种问题只是用来堵住我的嘴用的,没有哪个人下载说是为了社区而下载的,要么下来看的,要么刷数据的。他拿一个既成的事实冠冕堂皇地来问我,我当然无语,因为已经无法改变了,就像你能让死人复活么?在我眼里,他这句话才是真正的逃避。他说bye之后,以为装B成功了,但我压根没理他,过了几分钟他看我没搭理丫的,才添了后面这句话