The speed is provided because to be a uploader youneed to submit a application get approved and have a 1GB line seedbox or asuper fast home connection. This allows you to download at speeds rarely seenbefore and upload at very high rates as well. They always have the latest tv shows and movies. tvshows and movies are released very fast with their dedicated uploaders and ifsomething is on the net related to movies or tv episodes chances are it willalready be uploaded. If you love real community's then this may be the trackerfor you the site has a chat box right on the home page and everyone is talkingabout anything and everything you can think of. There is daily trivia prizes towin up to 1TB upload credits as well as live DJ's that takes requests so youcan listen to some of your favorite music while downloading, chatting or evenjust playing a game like casino or blackjack to win upload credits. keeping aratio is very easy on this site as you will get credit as long as you areseeding even if noone is downloading. I have seen pc games and console gamesstarting to grow and get released before the bigger game only trackers. Thereis also a help chat room where you can go speak 1 on 1 with a staff member toget support for something you may have downloaded or just learning how to use anew program. 註冊送 10G upload1000 points