BeenONCE 发表于 2011-10-5 10:26
还有问一下卡总,国外的网站有没有6周不登陆就被ban的规则,TL我也在 ...
- If you have a combined download total in excess of 25 GB and your ratio is below 0.70 you will receive two consecutive warnings. Failure to act upon the warnings and increase your ratio above 0.70 will get your account disabled.
You are required to download at least 15 GB each quarter (90 days). Each quarter starts respectively on 1st day of January, April, July and October and ends on the last day of March, June, September and December. If on the 26 day of the last month of each quarter you are bellow the 15 GB minimum, you will receive a reminder. If on the last day of the quarter you still do not meet the requirement, your account will be disabled.