H&R Amnesty Program It seems some individuals are still not concerned with the amount of Hit and Runs (H&Rs) they have, and that some users still don't understand that H&Rs are bad. Well, they are.
A team has been working through the H&R list, with a lot of users losing their accounts, and many more warned, had their leeching privileges revoked or both.
With the worst offenders removed, we are finding that many users are simply overwhelmed with the amount of H&Rs they have, don't understand why they got them, don't know how to remove them and see no way to save their accounts.
So until the end of September, we will be running a H&R Amnesty Program, whereby ANY user is be able to be excused from ALL their H&Rs. This offer is open to all user classes and for any amount of H&Rs, it does however come at a price.
For those wanting to have their H&Rs removed, your account will be refreshed. That being, your Upload, Download, Bonus Points, Lumens and Invites will be zeroed and you will be demoted to the 'user' class. All other elements of your account will remain as-is including account age, snatches, forum posts, avatars, achievements, donor status etc.
Those users wanting to take advantage of this one-time offer need to send a StaffBox PM with the Title "H&R Amnesty" and in the body, you need to: 1) Explain what you did wrong 2) Explain what you will do in the future to avoid H&Rs
Essentially you need to convince us that you know how to avoid H&Rs and that you are committed to making sure you don't get anymore in the future.
In return we will remove all your H&Rs and refresh your account. There is plenty of information in the Knowledgebase and the FAQ covering how and why you attract H&Rs and what you can do to remove them. You SHOULD read this information and understand WHY you got H&Rs and HOW you SHOULD be working to resolve them, prior to sending a StaffBox PM about the amnesty.
H&R Rule Updates
Coinciding with this Program we have updated the Rules regarding H&Rs to make it clearer to people what is and isn't OK, the updated H&R rules are as follows: Rule) You MUST seed the torrent to the required amounts within 2 weeks, otherwise: 1) If you attract ANY H&Rs you will cease earning ANY Bonus Points while you have one of more H&Rs. 2) If you attract ANY H&Rs you will be ineligible for a promotion or participating in any competitions 3) If you attract more then 15 H&Rs your account will be banned. 4) If you consistently attract or retain H&Rs your account may be warned or banned. 5) If you have been warned for H&Rs, and you attract additional H&Rs your account will be banned.
These rules will come into effect on 1 October 2011. In the interim we will continue to BAN accounts with 30+ H&Rs on-the-spot.