PTM (Pretome) locking down invite system on 25th September
It looks like PTM will be more difficult to get into in the coming weeks.
I welcome this move as I believe that PTM should be recognized as a higher level tracker, and the ease and abundance of PTM invites tends to devalue the tracker in the eyes of many users.
From the PTM home page:
Due to recent problems with invite trading on external forums
We the staff are debating seriously restricting PTM invites !
The proposed changes to be in affect on September 25th are :
All invites from all user accounts will be removed!
Invites may be restricted by user class
For those left who can still use invites the cost could go up to 1,200 credits per invite.
Much discusion between staff on this issue has given existing members 2 weeks notice on possible changes to the way invites are handled.
Feel free to distribute invites during this time.
Once they are gone, the're gone !
As always with invites : Do not send invites to yourself and Do not send invites to anyone sharing your IP
If you aren't already a member and would like to join a friendly ratioless tracker with decent pretimes and an excellent community, you should jump on one of the many invite threads posted on T-I before the 25th of September.
Note that as of now, invites cost 100 credits, and they are discussing a 12X increase in the number of credits per invite.