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[感悟/分享] 好吧,我简单的说说 ptp 发种有关的事情 ~

7071 21
发表于 2011-8-9 13:05:05 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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pu 要求至少一个种子,elite 要求 50 个,其实 ptp 比较好混,积分也多,可能没必要发那么多种子,对我来说就当发了玩吧 ,就像做任务一样; 而且据说 elite 区比较多神秘邀请 ...

关于选种,最好的选择当然是 0-day 首发,但是我目前没有 scc/ftn 账号,资源获得比人晚( 其实也就1/2个小时), ptp 上有很多人是用全自动脚本从 scc,cg 这些地方转资源,根本抢不过人家

所谓全自动,基本上不用人工干预,irc/rss 下载-> 搜索imdb -> 搜索 ptp 有无重复 ->找 poster(海报) ->mktorrent 做种子 -> mediainfo/ffmpeg 生成 rip info --> 截图上传 ptpimg --> upload 发布.  牛人用 python写的程序,以后有时间的话也想研究一下;

PtpUploader AutoBot v0.1http://passthepopcorn.me/forums.php?action=viewthread&;threadid=9245

开始我试图捡剩下的,msd /480p / dvdrip 的东西的确省事,但是前几天 staff 说要清理 msd, 不允许 <700m 的影片,结果就被删了很多。 一般来说 720p 比较受欢迎,我就找了些 hds/hdr/ttg 的新发布的或者特别老的华语片 720p ,  这些个都没什么人下载的,纯粹凑数了

关于选种就各人发挥吧,电影资源还是很多的,好像演唱会也可以;fill request 也是很好的玩法, 而且还赚更多上传流量,下面说说发种有关的 ...

1) 本地发种 (ut)

没什么好说的,会发种的都会 ,注意要符合上传的规范要求,注意哪些是不让上传的,wiki 看一遍是需要的:http://passthepopcorn.me/wiki.php

本地发种也有很多工具,例如 TD-maker , 在 ptp 论坛或者 wiki 里,前人种树 。。。

截图不要缩放 , 一般播放器都有截图功能,最好是用 ptpimg.me , 就别用别的图床了,有很多不必要的麻烦,图床多方便没有用!图床本地访问快也没有用,截图最后是让别人看的!关于 rip info , 可以用 mediainfo 软件生成,当然省事的话,贴 nfo 也行。

要求 3 张( 以上 )图片:编辑的时候要添加 bbcode [img] 举例:
  1. [img]http://ptpimg.me/33m6i5.png[/img]

  2. [img]http://ptpimg.me/48769r.png[/img]

  3. [img]http://ptpimg.me/50d4ie.png[/img]

  4. [b]General[/b]
  5. ...
  6. [b]Video[/b]
  7. ...
  8. [b]Audio[/b]
  9. ...
首发的时候用 Upload , 如果已经有了其他版本 , 就点开一个 Add format ; 发之前一定要搜一下,最好是用 imdb_id 搜,因为电影的名字差别很大 ,如果已有大小差不多,又没什么区别(双音轨,unrate,extend 之类)就别发了,发了也会删掉 ;

首发的话,先填 imdb id 比如(tt0068646)然后点 [Auto-Fill] , 系统会自动填上一些东西,(来自 imdb)。另外就是,找海报 ... 找 youtube 的预告片 ( 不是强制要求 ),选择字幕,没有字幕也要选没有!

似乎绕也是必须的,否则 imdb ~~

2) 盒子发种 :

其实盒子有很多优势,速度快!废话 :),盒子的问题就是 linux 系统,命令行方式都不熟悉 ~ ;   其实全部操作也可以类似本地,有个软件可以把远端的模拟成本地磁盘,用起来就没什么差别了 ;

就 ptp 发种需要的几个东西 ~,可以一个个手工完成;截图,可以用 mplayer,rip info 可以用 mediainfo , 做种子文件可以用 mktorrent ~~ 不过,linux 很大的优势就是脚本( 批量操作 ),我现在用到 2个脚本基本上完成大部分工作,半自动化了 ...

第 1 个这里拷贝,(linuxtdm.sh) http://pastebin.com/5dUAUMEC

原版的脚本是 ptp 论坛里的,稍微改了改; 编辑一个文件(linuxtdm.sh), 拷贝/粘贴!改一下你的 PASS_KEY
它的功能是自动截图生成 5 个 png 文件,mediainfo 信息格式化放在 ~/mediainfo/VideoSpecs.txt 文件里,生成种子文件都放在 ~/movieinfo/ 底下,并且自动上传 3 个截图(ptpimg.me),生成链接

因为截图效果看不到,最后编辑完成以后,可以适当调整(选)一下 ;

第 2 个,截图脚本 ( img.sh ) : http://pastebin.com/bpYFX740

第一个脚本调用了这个截图脚本,当然它也可以单独使用 ;用到 putty 是必须的 ,ssh 登陆以后,给脚本赋予执行权限 , chmod +x linuxtdm.sh ,  用的时候 :

~/linuxtdm.sh [回车]
输入 film 文件绝对地址,比如 /home/user/download/aaaaaa.mkv

等 ...,文件很大的话,hash 时间也蛮长的

完成以后,截图的链接就能拷贝了,(putty 鼠标选中就是 copy), 浏览器里 past 或者 ctrl+v 就好了 ; 同时在 ~/movieinfo/ 底下有生成的截图文件,和 VideoSpecs.txt ,*.torrent 文件

需要把 torrent 文件传回本地来,可以用 ftp, 或者,如果装了 python 的话 :在当前目录下输入
  1. cd ~/movieinfo
  2. python -m SimpleHTTPServer
就可以在浏览器里下载了,(最好做个 alias ),http://seedbox_ip_address:8000/ , 盒子上退出 ctrl+c ; 这样的话,本地只需要做一些编辑工作(和必要的搜索),所有需要生成的东西都在盒子上完成了;

盒子+脚本的优势? 5分钟发一个种子

最后还是觉得,不太适合 linux 小白使用,碰到问题是难免的,完全抓瞎的话就没办法了

忘了,上边的脚本要运行的话,还是需要,python , mplayer , mediainfo , mktorrent ...  

debian 系列的安装:
  1. sudo apt-get install mplayer mktorrent unrar python2.6
但是 mediainfo 要自己下载安装,http://mediainfo.sourceforge.net/en/Download ;wget 下来,dpkg -i ~~


sword@2Lv.2 发表于 2011-8-9 13:14:32 | 查看全部
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天际幻影@2Lv.6 发表于 2011-8-9 13:15:23 | 查看全部
技术贴  支持个
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hacker@2Lv.8 发表于 2011-8-9 13:16:43 | 查看全部
上次询问了管理员  图床可以不是官方的那个 嘻嘻 外链图床创从此放心用吧 o(∩_∩)o 哈哈
imgur 经常有人举报看不了,国内图床都有流量限制~ 所以就用 ptpimg.me,反正也挺快  详情 回复
发表于 2011-8-9 13:29
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123ABDLv.9 发表于 2011-8-9 13:29:29 | 查看全部
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D大调Lv.9互助团队 发表于 2011-8-9 13:36:34 | 查看全部
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butforeverLv.8 发表于 2011-8-9 13:51:57 | 查看全部
1、你用的是linux的,win 下可以用Danger Apps
我说了,2种情况 ~ :), 另外,本地的话,其实还有个 TDMaker-  详情 回复
发表于 2011-8-9 13:57
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funseeker 发表于 2011-8-9 13:57:18 | 查看全部
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pockchop@2Lv.9 发表于 2011-8-9 15:22:57 | 查看全部
一样的,第一个总是很慢的,要摸索,以后就快了 ~:)  详情 回复
发表于 2011-8-10 20:29
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ydison@2Lv.9 发表于 2011-8-9 17:08:17 | 查看全部
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iblicf楼主Lv.9 发表于 2011-8-9 17:15:05 | 查看全部

1) This is your announce url, you need it to connect to the tracker and get credit for your upload/download. Be sure that you used the right announce url when you created your torrent. If you don't know how to create a torrent you can follow the tutorial here.

2) Click the browse button and navigate to the .torrent file you created and click open.

3) At the moment, this is an out-dated field and should not be used, just be sure that movies is selected.

4) This is where you put the very end of the IMDB link to the movie you're uploading. The format should be like this: ttxxxxxxx. Press the auto-fill button to grab the info from IMDB. If the Movie, Concert, Musical or Stand-up Comedy is not on IMDB, then use tt0000000 (this will allow you to upload to PtP without any IMDB info, since IMDB info is required).

5) If Auto-Fill didn't work for the film you're uploading (it sometimes doesn't), or if the film is not on IMDB, type in the name of the director. If there are multiple directors, click the [+] link to add another Director slot, only 6 directors will be auto-filled.

6) If Auto-Fill didn't work or your film is not on IMDB, type in the name of the film. If Auto-Fill did work make sure that the name of the movie is correct and it follows our naming convention here at PtP (this is especially important when it comes to foreign films). Info on how to correctly title the film can be found here.

7) Type in the year of the original release.

8) Select the release type of the film. We have 3 different allowed types here at PtP:
Full-Length Feature: Regular films.
Mini-Series: These are mini-series approved by staff.
Other/Unknown: This is to be used if you are uploading a Concert, Musical, Stand-Up Comedy, Rifftrax, Short or Documentry. All Musicals, Concerts and Stand-up Comedy must be official DVD releases as stated in the rules (unless explicitly stated otherwise by staff).
If in doubt, ask here.

9) Put the Cover Art here. This should be the actual cover (not a poster) unless there is no official cover art. You can do this in one of two ways:
a) Paste the cover url into the box and press the imgur button to have imgur host the image for you.
b) Host the cover art on an approved hosting site and paste the Direct Link url into the box.

10) This is optional (but preferred): go to YouTube and find the trailer for the film you're uploading. Copy and paste everything after this part of the url: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=
For example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
dQw4w9WgXcQ would be the part you put into the box.

11) Check this box only if it is a re-release of any kind, including: Anniversary, Deluxe Edition, Remastered, UnRated, Directors Cut, etc. Once you click the box you must then retype the name of the movie, but this time with the type of re-release as well. Make sure to also fill in the year of the re-release.

12) If the film is a scene release, check this box. Type the exact name of the scene release in the box that appears. This is the name the movie originally had on the scene site you got it from.
For example: Avatar.2009.1080p.BluRay.X264-AMIABLE

13) Select the definition of your release. There are 3 different type of definitions here at PtP:
High Definition: 720p (1080x720) or 1080p (1920x720) x264 encodes
Standard Definition: Resolutions which are not listed above.
Other: Rifftrax

14) Select the Codec used. Be sure to select the correct codec.

15) Select the container used, this is the file extension.

16) Select the correct resolution for the film. If its a full DVD, select NTSC or PAL.
480p: 640x480
576p: 720 or 704x576
720p: 1080x720
1080i: 1920x1080 (only use this over 1080p if the movie is labeled as 1080i)
1080p: 1920x1080
Other: any other resolution not specified

17) Select the correct source for your film. This would be where the movie came from, ie. Blu-Ray or DVD.

18) Use only the tags that are appropriate for your upload. A good idea is to check IMDB's tag listing.

19) Type a brief description of the movie OR use what was provided by Auto-Fill.

20) This is the most important step!
a) Copy and paste the video info provided by MediaInfo or TDMaker.
b) Take 3 native snapshots of different scenes in the movie and host them on a approved host site. Copy and paste the direct link and use the [img][/img] tags so that it displays the image.
c) Click the Upload button when done

And that's all you need to do to correctly fill out the Upload.php

Thanks to Renegade9 and for this tutorial with the help of RifleEyes!                                        Site and design &#169; 201
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guilingLv.3 发表于 2011-8-9 21:19:01 | 查看全部
学习技术贴. 1············
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wanhuayang 发表于 2011-8-10 14:27:16 | 查看全部
前来学习技术 太强大了~~~~
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eliotsnipesLv.4 发表于 2011-8-10 14:44:35 | 查看全部
非常感谢 mark一下 以后用 哈哈
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coskly 发表于 2011-8-10 17:27:42 | 查看全部
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ljf104Lv.6 发表于 2011-8-10 20:22:31 | 查看全部
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xxwkof@2Lv.8 发表于 2011-8-10 20:56:44 | 查看全部
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leoomg@2Lv.8 发表于 2011-8-10 21:29:25 | 查看全部
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woaixiaomai@2Lv.8 发表于 2011-8-11 00:32:47 | 查看全部
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yelantyLv.3 发表于 2011-8-11 05:55:04 | 查看全部
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